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SFB 451:  Lesion and Repair Within the Cardiovascular System

Subject Area Medicine
Term from 1999 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5483129
Given the fact that the well-known classical risk factors (hypercholesterinemia, hypertension etc.) can only explain to about 50 % the development of atherosclerosis, which is among the various cardiovascular diseases the most common cause of death, the aim of the collaborative research centre 451 is to investigate inflammatory aspects responsible for the occurrence of atherosclerosis as well as reparative processes. The two main fields of interest are on the one hand the pathogenetic role of inflammtory markers and the signal transmitting molecules including the target cells (monocytes) of foam cell production, and on the other hand the repair mechanisms of damaged tissues (vascular remodeling, apoptosis in the infarcted myocardium). The twelve projects are the result of the concertive actions of eight different departments of the Ulm Medical Centre that closely work together aiming at a better understanding of coronary atheroslerosis and the development of newer therapeutic strategies for this disease.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection Netherlands

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Ulm

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