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SPP 1033:  Interagierende stochastische Systeme von hoher Komplexität

Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 1997 to 2003
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5467979
This program consists of different parts of Probability Theory dealing with the modellisation and theoretical investigation of large interacting stochastic systems with high complexity. Ideas of Statistical Physics and infinite dimensional stochastic analysisare related to each others. Recently the emergence of new important relations between the two fields have become more and more apparent.New applications show that a combination of both mathematical culture is necessary. Examples can be found in the random dynamic in the setting of statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, in the analysis of stochastic algorithms and in investigation derivatives in the stochastic of finance and in the application of measured valuedprocesses to population genetic.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection Italy, Netherlands, Ukraine, USA



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