Project Details
SFB 1526: Pathomechanisms of Antibody-mediated Autoimmunity (PANTAU): Insights from Pemphigoid Diseases
Subject Area
since 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 454193335
Autoimmune diseases (ADs) are chronic inflammatory disorders affecting approx. 8% of the population in industrialized countries. The pathogenesis of ADs is still poorly understood. Current concepts suggest an interplay between genetic and diverse non-genetic factors leading to a dysregulated immune response directed against self-structures. Strategies for the treatment of ADs are only partially effective, unspecific, and still largely rely on systemic immunosuppression which is associated with serious side-effects.Pemphigoid diseases (PDs) are a group of prototypical antibody-mediated ADs manifesting on skin and adjacent mucous membranes. PDs are a growing health burden, predominantly affect the elderly, and are sharply rising in incidence. They are associated with a considerably increased mortality rate and patients often succumb to side-effects of immunosuppression. The autoantigens of PDs are clearly defined, and the pathological significance of autoantibodies targeting these autoantigens has been unequivocally demonstrated. However, the mechanisms of the initial break of tolerance, the gradual evolution of autoreactivity towards the abundant production of pathogenic autoantibodies, and the mechanisms regulating the recruitment and activity of inflammatory cells in the skin are, like for most other ADs, only poorly understood. The clearly established cause– effect relationship between autoantibodies and disease combined with the exposition of inflammation on the body surface, allowing continuous monitoring and manipulation, as well as the establishment of robust preclinical models and large patient cohorts, render PDs superb paradigm diseases to decipher the pathomechanisms of antibody-mediated ADs.Exploiting these advantages, in its first funding period, PANTAU will focus on two milestones in the pathogenesis of PDs: (i) the transition of non-pathogenic into pathogenic, but clinically still inapparent autoimmunity and (ii) the subsequent transition of clinically inapparent autoimmunity into overt disease. Delineating these transitions will be instrumental to selectively disrupt them and to establish new treatments for PDs and, perspectively, also or other antibody-mediated ADs. PDs are the scientific focus of a new research building for the Center for Research on Inflammation of the Skin (CRIS) that is currently constructed on the Lübeck campus with funding through the federal government and the state of Schleswig-Holstein according to article 91b of the German constitution. The establishment of the CRC 1526 will greatly benefit from this development and will further promote it.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
United Arab Emirates
Current projects
- A01 - Autoantigen-specific T cells in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Scheffold, Alexander ; Schmidt, Enno )
- A02 - Crosstalk between T cells and B cells in the differentiation of pathogenic plasma cells in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Heine, Guido ; Manz, Rudolf )
- A03 - C5a receptor 1 activation as a regulator of autoantibody production in pemphigoid disease (Project Head Köhl, Jörg )
- A04 - Selective B cell depletion in pemphigoid diseases by bispecific antibodies (Project Heads Ludwig, Ralf Joachim ; Peipp, Matthias )
- A05 - Role of the complement receptors 1 and 2 as drivers of autoantibody development and their potential as drug targets in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Hammers, Matthias Christoph ; Verschoor, Ph.D., Admar )
- A06 - The role of neutrophils in the regulation of the adaptive immunity in pemphigoid diseases (Project Head Karsten, Christian )
- A07 - Cell subset-specific roles of FcRn in regulating autoantibody generation and activity in pemphigoid diseases (Project Head Nimmerjahn, Falk )
- A08 - Skin-infiltrating T and B cells in the pathogenesis of pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Hutloff, Andreas ; Ibrahim, Saleh M. )
- B01 - Site-specific inhibition of C5/C5a in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Ludwig, Ralf Joachim ; Peipp, Matthias )
- B02 - G protein-coupled receptors orchestrating granulocytes in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Sadik, Christian David ; Wettschureck, Nina )
- B04 - Kinase cascades in neutrophils as therapeutic target in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Bieber, Katja ; Lux, Anja )
- B05 - Pathophysiology of granulocyte metabolism and its potential as therapeutic target in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Sadik, Christian David ; Schilf, Paul )
- B06 - Targeting mitochondrial metabolism in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Hirose, Misa ; Väth, Ph.D., Martin )
- B07 - Characterization and targeted modulation of the gut - skin axis in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Baines, John F. ; Ibrahim, Saleh M. )
- B08 - Microbiota-specific T cell responses in pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Bacher, Petra ; Baines, John F. )
- B10 - Stromal regulation of inflammation in pemphigoid diseases (Project Head Hoffmann, Markus )
- INF - Information Infrastructure Project (Project Heads Busch, Hauke ; Franke, Andre ; Höppner, Ph.D., Marc )
- S01 - Clinical Research Support (Project Heads Becker, Mareike ; Heine, Guido ; Holtsche, Maike Marleen ; Sadik, Christian David )
- S02 - Biostatistics, Systems Medicine, and Data Integration (Project Heads Fähnrich, Anke ; Szymczak, Silke )
- S03 - Preclinical model systems of pemphigoid diseases (Project Heads Ludwig, Ralf Joachim ; Murthy, Sripriya )
- Z - Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Center (Project Heads Ludwig, Ralf Joachim ; Sadik, Christian David )
Applicant Institution
Universität zu Lübeck
Participating University
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel; Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Participating Institution
Max-Planck-Institut für Herz- und Lungenforschung
W.G. Kerkhoff-Institut
W.G. Kerkhoff-Institut
Professor Dr. Ralf Joachim Ludwig, since 1/2025; Professor Dr. Christian David Sadik, from 7/2022 until 12/2024; Professor Dr. Detlef Zillikens, until 6/2022 (†)