Project Details
TRR 319: RMaP: RNA Modification and Processing
Subject Area
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 439669440
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Current projects
- A01 - Functional roles of 5-methylcytosine (m5C) in regulating cell fate in normal tissues and human disease (Project Heads Frye, Ph.D., Michaela ; Lyko, Frank ; Schirmeister, Tanja )
- A02 - Multiple capping and decapping pathways for NAD-modified RNAs and their relation of RNA processing (Project Head Jäschke, Andres )
- A03 - Impact of RNA modifications on RNA processing and stimulation of innate immune Toll-like receptors 7/8 (Project Heads Butter, Falk ; Dalpke, Alexander )
- A04 - Ensemble analysis of mRNA editing, modification and processing in macrophages (Project Heads Papavasiliou, Ph.D., F. Nina ; Stoecklin, Georg )
- A05 - Dynamics of modifications and processing of RNAs in the flavivirus replication cycle (Project Heads Helm, Mark ; Ruggieri, Ph.D., Alessia )
- A06 - Interplay between tRNA splicing and tRNA modifications (Project Heads Peschek, Jirka ; Tuorto, Francesca )
- B01 - The mechanistic and functional impact of RNA modifications on alternative splicing (Project Heads Dieterich, Christoph ; König, Ph.D., Julian ; Roignant, Jean-Yves )
- B03 - Molecular insights into the role of MTREC in ncRNA processing and degradation (Project Head Sinning, Irmgard )
- B04 - Identification and processing of piRNA precursors in C. elegans (Project Head Ketting, Ph.D., René )
- B05 - Mismodification of tRNA in no-go decay and other co-translational quality control pathways (Project Head Winz, Marie-Luise )
- B06 - Assembly, activity, and structural dynamics in eukaryotic H/ACA complexes (Project Head Hengesbach, Martin )
- C01 - Novel modification mapping techniques and efficient RNA-Seq data management (Project Heads Helm, Mark ; Hildebrandt, Andreas ; Schmidt, Bertil )
- C02 - SCI-MODOM – Integration and Management of RNA modification data (Project Heads Dieterich, Christoph ; Hildebrandt, Andreas )
- C03 - C03 Mass spectrometry of RNA and proteins in modified RNPs (Project Heads Butter, Falk ; Helm, Mark ; Jäschke, Andres )
- IRTGMGK - Integrated Research Training Group (Project Head Ruggieri, Ph.D., Alessia )
- Z - Central Task of the Collaborative Research Center (Project Head Helm, Mark )
Applicant Institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Co-Applicant Institution
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Mark Helm