Projekt Druckansicht

Feldforschungen zum chronostratigraphischen Übergang vom Aurignacien zum Gravettien im Bistrita-Tal (Rumänien).

Antragsteller Dr. Leif Steguweit
Fachliche Zuordnung Ur- und Frühgeschichte (weltweit)
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2008
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 31785463
Erstellungsjahr 2010

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

New data on three East Carpathian sites with a long Upper Palaeolithic sequence furnish proof of the Gravettian chronology compatible to Central and Eastern Central Europe. The 14C data series on charcoal from cultural layers is consistent in all three stratigraphic sequences and fits together with geological observations concerning loess accumulation rates and soil formations. The assumption of a “Late Aurignacian” contemporary to the Gravettian in the Bistriţa Valley as one of the key regions in South-Eastern Europe can be rejected. Mainly significant younger dates from A. Paunescu in the 1980’s (conventional datations) could be caused by mixed sample materials. Though the loess sequence of the Bistriţa Valley contains only the Upper Pleniglacial, a correlation with long sequences in the Prut and Dnistr Valley could complement the chronology puzzle close to the limit of the radiocarbon method.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • (2006), Paleoliticul superior de la Poiana Cireşului (Piatra-Neamţ). Noi rezultate, interpretări şi perspective. – Cercetări Arheologice XIII, 11-37
    Cârciumaru, M., M. Anghelinu, L. Steguweit, L. Niţă, L. Fontana, A. Brugere, U. Hambach, M. Mărgărit, V. Dumitraşcu, M. Cosac, O. Cârstina & F. Dumitru
  • (2006), The Upper Paleolithic site of Poiana Cireşului – Piatra Neamţ (North-Eastern Romania). Recent results. – Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 3, 319-331
    Cârciumaru, M., M. Anghelinu, L. Steguweit, L. Niţă, L. Fontana, A. Brugere, U. Hambach, M. Mărgărit, V. Dumitraşcu, M. Cosac, F. Dumitru & O. Cârstina
  • (2007), Santierul paleolitic de la Poiana Ciresului (Piatra Neamt). O sinteză a rezultatelor recente. – Materiale si Cercetări Arheologice, S. N., II (2000-2006), 5-32
    Cârciumaru, M., M. Anghelinu, G. Lucas, L. Niţă, L. Steguweit, M. Mărgărit, L. Fontana, A. Brugère, V. Dumitraşcu, U. Hambach, M. Cosac, O. Cârstina, F. Dumitru
  • (2009), Investigating the Aurignacian/ Gravettian transition in the Bistriţa Valley (NE-Romania). – In: Camps, M. & P. Chauhan (eds.), Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions: Methods, Theories and Interpretations. (Springer Press), 465-478
    Steguweit, L.
  • (2009), Long Upper Palaeolithic sequences from the Sites of Poiana Cireşului, Bistricioara and Ceahlâu-Dartsu (Bistriţa valley, NE-Romania). – Preistoria Alpina 44, 33-38
    Steguweit, L.
  • (2009), Reframing the Upper Palaeolithic in the Bistriţa Valley (Northeastern Romania). – Quartär 56, 139-157
    Steguweit, L., Cârciumaru, M., Anghelinu, M. & L. Nita
  • (2009), Using the relative intensity variation of the Earth's magnetic palaeofield as correlative dating technique: A case study from Upper Palaeolithic cultural layers bearing loess at Poiana Cireşului, Romania. – Quartär 56, 175-185
    Christian Zeeden, U. Hambach, L. Steguweit, A. Fülling, M. Anghelinu & L. Zöller


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