Project Details
SFB 1270: ELectrically Active ImplaNts - ELAINE
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
since 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 299150580
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
- A01 - Computational models for analysing the impact of electric fields on intracellular and intercellular processes at different spatio-temporal scales (Project Head Uhrmacher, Adelinde )
- A02 - Multi-scale models for studies on electrically active implants in due consideration of uncertainties in the input data (Project Heads Appali, Revathi ; van Rienen, Ursula ; Schmidt, Christian )
- A03 - AC-electrostimulation of cells on functionalised and laterally structured material surfaces – cell signalling aspects (Project Heads Nebe, J. Barbara ; Rebl, Henrike ; Speller, Sylvia )
- A04 - Electrically conductive multilayers for implant surfaces (Project Head Helm, Christiane A. )
- A05 - Dielectric evaluation of cellular and interfacial characteristics for electrical stimulation (Project Head Kolb, Jürgen )
- A06 - Mathematical modelling and analysis of parameter dependent behaviour of multiscale systems (Project Head Starke, Jens )
- B01 - Electrically conductive and piezoactive materials for multifunctional implants for bone and cartilage regeneration (Project Heads Boccaccini, Aldo ; Seitz, Hermann )
- B02 - Transformation of mechanical energy as internal energy source for electrically active implants (Project Head Klüß, Daniel )
- B03 - Modelling and design of ultra low power implants for closed loop stimulation (Project Heads Haubelt, Christian ; Hohlfeld, Dennis ; Timmermann, Dirk )
- B05 - Assessment of the mechanical reliability of electrically active, porous and functionally graded implant structures by local damage approach (Project Head Sander, Manuela )
- B06 - Signal processing for modelling and in situ monitoring of electrically active implants (Project Head Spors, Sascha )
- B07 - Numerical analysis of periprosthetic bone quality and density assessments (Project Head Adrian, Simon )
- C01 - Electro-physical stimulation of osseoinduction via alloplastic osteosynthesis system after ablative surgery in the mandible (Project Heads Dau, Michael ; Engel, Nadja ; Kämmerer, Peer )
- C02 - Electrical and mechanical stimulation of hyaline cartilage: Characterisation of biological response and different stimulation parameters (Project Heads Bader, Rainer ; Jonitz-Heincke, Anika ; Seitz, Hermann )
- C03 - Deep brain stimulation in dystonia models: Biological implementation, definition of optimal stimulation parameters, and analysis of mechanisms (Project Heads Köhling, Rüdiger ; Richter, Angelika )
- C04 - Interactive effects of deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus on dopaminergic plasticity and neurogenesis in a genetic rat model of Parkinson’s disease: From non-motor impact to biomarker development (Project Heads Fauser, Mareike ; Storch, Alexander )
- INF - Infrastructure Support Project (Project Heads Krüger, Frank ; van Rienen, Ursula ; Sander, Manuela ; Spors, Sascha )
- IRTG - Integrated Research Training Group (Project Heads Spors, Sascha ; Storch, Alexander ; Uhrmacher, Adelinde )
- S01 - Improving metrology and instrumentation of electrostimulation experiments (Project Heads van Rienen, Ursula ; Spors, Sascha )
- Z - Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre (Project Head van Rienen, Ursula )
Applicant Institution
Universität Rostock
Professorin Dr. Ursula van Rienen