Projekt Druckansicht

High-throughput Mutationsanalyse für bekannte und neuartige monogene Nierensteinleiden und verwandte Störungen

Fachliche Zuordnung Nephrologie
Reproduktionsmedizin, Urologie
Förderung Förderung von 2016 bis 2020
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 291110008
Erstellungsjahr 2021

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The aim of this DFG-project was the identification and characterization of monogenic disorders leading to kidney stone formation, nephrocalcinosis, and other disorders of tubular dysfunction. As part of the project, we were able to establish an international patient registry for hereditary nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis building the basis of current and future research in this field. On a functional level, the focus of our investigations concerned renal phosphate wasting (NaPis) and cystinuria. While in renal phosphate wasting, we demonstrated pathogenicity of a frequent SLC34A3 (NaPi2c) variant in European carries, in cystinuria, an international cohort allowed us to identify novel genotype-phenotype correlations pointing towards increased disease severity upon multiallelism. In the field of gene discovery, we identified CLDN10-variants as the cause of a novel salt-losing tubulopathy with extrarenal manifestations in terms of hypohidrosis, electrolyte imbalances, hypolacrimia, ichthyosis, xerostomia, and amelogenesis imperfecta (HELIX-syndrome). Furthermore, we found SLC7A13/AGT1-variants to likely influence disease severity in cystinuric patients and demonstrated pathogenicity via a newly established functional assay. In addition, this project also enabled accomplishment of related work on renal ciliopathies, namely nephronophthisis (NPHP20 / MAPKBP1) and ADPKD, generating novel insights into disease mechanisms of these hereditary tubular disorders.

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