SPP 1798:
Compressed Sensing in Information Processing (CoSIP)
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
from 2015 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 255450733
Digital signal processing requires the conversion of analog signals in space and time to a discrete domain and vice versa. Conventional sampling relies on the Shannon Nyquist theorem which ensures complete reconstruction of a band limited signal by sampling at a rate twice the bandwidth. In contrast, compressed sensing follows the paradigm that a sparse signal may be sampled far below the Nyquist rate, but nevertheless may be completely recovered. Compressed sensing relies on two salient principles, sparsity and incoherence. Sparsity refers to the idea that the information rate of a signal is much smaller than expected from its bandwidth, so that the signal may be represented by a small number of elements in a proper basis or frame. Incoherence expresses the concept that signals with a sparse representation are spread out in the sampling domain.Sparsity is encountered in signals of numerous applications like wireless information and communication technology, radar surveillance, and visual and audio signal processing, to name a few. In this Priority Programme, applications of compressed sensing in information processing will be emphasised, however, it is expected that the mathematical theory behind will receive significant impact and new directions from applied issues. Paired cooperation projects between engineers and applied mathematicians are particularly encouraged.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Austria, Netherlands
Bilinear Compressed Sensing - Efficiency, Structure, and Robustness
Gross, Ph.D., David
Jung, Peter
Krahmer, Ph.D., Felix
Complex-valued Reed-Solomon Codes for Deterministic Compressed Sensing
Bossert, Martin
Compressed Sensing Algorithms for Structured Massive MIMO -- Phase II: From Massive MIMO to Massive Wireless Networks
Caire, Ph.D., Giuseppe
Kutyniok, Gitta
Wunder, Gerhard
Compressed sensing for terahertz body scanners
Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm
Zhu, Xiaoxiang
Compressed sensing radar imaging of polar mesospheric summer echoes using tracking and MIMO approaches (CS-PMSE-MIMO)
Chau, Ph.D., Jorge
Weber, Tobias
Compressive 2D/3D SAR (ComSAR)
Ender, Joachim
Loffeld, Otmar
Compressive Covariance Estimation for Massive MIMO (CoCoMiMo)
Caire, Ph.D., Giuseppe
Dirksen, Sjoerd
Rauhut, Holger
Coordination Funds
Kutyniok, Gitta
Rauhut, Holger
Coordination of the DFG-Priority Programm 1798
Kutyniok, Gitta
CoS-MRXI - Compressed sensing for magnetorelaxometry imaging of magnetic nanoparticles
Baumgarten, Daniel
Wübbeling, Frank
Distributed Compressive Sensing: Theoretical Limits and Algorithmic Approaches
Müller, Ralf Reiner
Schulz-Baldes, Hermann
Dynamic measurement of sound fields using compressed sensing
Mertins, Alfred
Estimation of covariance matrices satisfying sparsity priors
Pfander, Ph.D., Götz Eduard
Pohl, Volker
Exploiting structure in compressed sensing using side constraints – from analysis to system design (EXPRESS II)
Haardt, Martin
Pesavento, Marius
Pfetsch, Marc Emanuel
Iterative Signal Recovery Algorithms --- A Unified View of Turbo and Message-Passing Approaches
Fischer, Robert
Joint design of compressed sensing and network coding for wireless meshed networks
Fitzek, Frank Hanns Paul
Stanczak, Slawomir
Learning and Recovery Algorithms for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and Spectral Unmixing in Earth Observation
Fornasier, Massimo
Kramer, Gerhard
Zhu, Xiaoxiang
Quantized Compressive Spectrum Sensing (QuaCoSS)
Mathar, Rudolf
Rauhut, Holger
Security in the context of future communication challenges and compressive sensing
Eisert, Jens
Wunder, Gerhard
Structured Compressive Sensing via Neural Network Learning (SCoSNeL)
Caire, Ph.D., Giuseppe
Rauhut, Holger
Terahertz illumination concepts for reciprocal compressive imaging in silicon technologies (LumiCS)
Loffeld, Otmar
Pfeiffer, Ullrich