SFB 1153:  Process Chain for Manufacturing of Hybrid High Performance Components by Tailored Forming

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Term since 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 252662854

Project Description

The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1153 aims at identifying the potential of hybrid bulk-metal components based on a novel process chain and at developing the necessary manufacturing processes. In contrast to the conventional manufacturing and production processes for hybrid bulk-metal components where the joining process only takes place during forming or at the end of the manufacturing chain, the CRC uses semi-finished products that are joined before the forming process. This allows for the production of components that meet the local requirements of different structural and functional areas within themselves much better than mono-material components. By combining different materials within a component, the weight or the costs of the component can be reduced while maintaining or improving performance either by the local use of lightweight materials or by combining it with high-quality alloys. In comparison with existing manufacturing processes, the simple geometry of the semi-finished products in the tailored forming process chain facilitates handling and a reliable production of a cohesive joining zone. By means of specifically controlling the material flow during the subsequent forming, the resulting joining zone geometry can be influenced as well, which is currently not feasible in conventional joining processes. The thermomechanical influence during forming also improves the quality of the joining zones. The innovative approach of the CRC 1153 includes an integral view of the manufacturing and development process from the semi-finished workpiece to the usable component by establishing the necessary process guidelines and deriving specific laws. The technology-readiness level of tailored forming processes developed to date is to be further increased in the third funding period. To this end, the robustness of the individual and overall process chain is to be increased and the characterisation options and modelling approaches expanded, among other things. The physical and digital consolidation of the decentrally developed processes will enable the verification of the robustness of the process chain in serial forging tests. At the same time, the integration of additional measurement technology as well as the consistent acquisition and provision of relevant process data permits the derivation of control algorithms beyond the individual process steps, thus reproducibly increasing the process parameter space for the production of hybrid high-performance components. In order to be able to transfer the developed innovations into industrial practice, evaluation possibilities are required to assess the economic and ecological added value of the developed technology. For this purpose, ecological influencing variables will be taken into account in previous economic evaluation approaches, which, together with the technological enhancements, prove the overall potential of the new technology.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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Applicant Institution Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Participating University Universität Paderborn
Participating Institution IPH - Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover; Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH); Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
Spokesperson Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Arno Behrens