The Collaborative Research Centre 933 (CRC) in Heidelberg studies texts which are written on things; such as texts on columns, portals, tombstones, clay tablets, pottery sherds, amulets, bamboo splices, and manuscripts on papyrus, parchment, or paper etc. It focusses on the material aspects of these things and their presence, i. e. on the (topological) situation, in which they developed their specific effect. Starting from the material and presence qualities – so the premise of research – the practices these things were involved in can be reconstructed. The CRC concentrates mostly on periods and cultures in which writing was not reproduced by industrial means and thus was not widely accessible (“non-typographic societies”). In this respect, it corroborates the historically-rooted awareness of the extent to which writing, the writing substrate, and behaviours that are connected to them form a tight and mutually dependent relationship that can still be seen today (e. g., in letters, books, tombstones, graffiti, screens, tablets).
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Completed projects
A01 - Lettered and Inscribed. Inscriptions in Urban Space in the Greco-Roman Period and Middle Ages
(Project Heads
Dickmann, Jens-Arne
Jaspert, Nikolas
Meier, Ludwig
Sitz, Anna
Trampedach, Kai
Westphalen, Stephan
Witschel, Christian
A02 - Antique Letters as a Means of Communication
(Project Head
Ast, Rodney
A03 - Materiality and Presence of Magical Signs between Antiquity and the Middle Ages
(Project Heads
Jördens, Andrea
Meier, Thomas
Quack, Joachim Friedrich
A04 - The Transfer of Knowledge from Antiquity to Medieval Times. Conditions and Impact of Manuscript Production at the Monastery of Lorsch
(Project Head
Weinfurter, Stefan
A05 - Script and Characters on and in Medieval Artwork
(Project Heads
Frese, Tobias
Untermann, Matthias
A06 - The Paper Revolution in Late Medieval Europe. Comparative Investigations into Changing Technologies and Culture in the "Social Space"
(Project Head
Schneidmüller, Bernd
A08 - Relic Labels. Materiality and Presence in a Neglected Type of Early and High Medieval Writing Practice
(Project Head
Licht, Tino
A09 - Writing on Ostraca in the Inner and Outer Mediterranean
(Project Head
Lougovaya-Ast, Julia
A10 - Text and Image in Greek Sculpture: A Case-Study on Athens and Olympia From Archaic to Imperial Age
(Project Head
Dietrich, Nikolaus
A11 - Graffiti on Roman gold coins: spectrum of meaning and communication strategies
(Project Head
Börner, Susanne
A12 - The Artist’s Presence. Medieval Artefacts with Artists’ Signatures
(Project Head
Müller, Rebecca
B01 - The Materialisation of Intellectual Order. Means of Depicting Learned Knowledge on Clay Tablets
(Project Head
Maul, Stefan M.
B02 - Wall, Recitation Roll and Tomb. Alternating Materialisations of Religious Texts in Ancient Egypt
(Project Head
Quack, Joachim Friedrich
B03 - Administrative Text Practice in Mycenaean Greece. Material and Medial Aspects of Writing in Early Greece
(Project Head
Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis
B04 - The Masora Text of the Hebrew Bible in its Various Material Forms in Western Europe
(Project Head
Liss, Hanna
B06 - Material Presence of Writing and the Practice of Iconographic Reception in Medieval Didactic Poetry. Text-Image Edition with Commentary of Der Welsche Gast by Thomasin von Zerklaere
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Peter
Schneider, Christian
B07 - Aspects of Mediality and Materiality of Illuminated Horizontal Calligraphy Scrolls in Medieval Japan
(Project Head
Trede, Melanie
B09 - The Writing Materials Wood, Bamboo, Silk and Paper in Ancient China
(Project Head
Giele, Enno
B10 - Scrolls for the King. The Format of Scrolls in Royal Administration and Historiography in the Late Middle Ages in Western Europe
(Project Head
Peltzer, Jörg
B11 - Material Formations of Music Theory Concepts: Praxeology of Disciplinary Writing Towards the End of the Middle Ages
(Project Head
Groote, Inga Mai
B12 - Forms of Presence and Tradition of Sumerian Royal Hymns
(Project Head
Lämmerhirt, Kai
B13 - The Order of Knowledge and Biographical Writing. Calculated Handwriting in Printed Books of the Early Modern Period (16th and 17th Century)
(Project Head
Brockstieger, Sylvia
B14 - Interactive Materialities: Interdependences between Written/Painted and Printed Artefacts in 17th Century Japan
(Project Head
Trede, Melanie
B15 - Visual Means of Structure for Egyptian Texts on Papyrus
(Project Head
Kühne, Carin
C01 - Materiality and Presence of Writing in the Discourse of Power in Ancient Mesopotamia between 2500 and 1800 B.C.
(Project Heads
Hilgert, Markus
Miglus, Peter A.
C02 - Tales of the Scriptural as the Basis of a "Textual Anthropology" of the Old Testament
(Project Heads
Gertz, Jan Christian
Schücking-Jungblut, Friederike
C03 - Forms of Time. Forms of Space. Strategies for Tackling the Materiality and Presence of Writing in Augustan Literature
(Project Head
Schwindt, Jürgen Paul
C04 - The Buddhist Canon in Stone. Materialisation and Presentification of Holy Scriptures in the Wolkenheim Monastery (616-1180 A.C.)
(Project Head
Ledderose, Lothar
C05 - Inscribed. Reflexions of Material Text Cultures in the Literature of the 12th and 17th Century
(Project Head
Lieb, Ludger
C06 - Profession and Training in Islamic Chancery Practice (adab al-katib) or: Administration as the Crowning Discipline
(Project Head
Enderwitz, Susanne
C07 - Sacred and Holy Scripture. On the Materiality and Function of Competing Systems of Writing in the Formation of the Religious Sphere in Bali
(Project Head
Hornbacher, Annette
C08 - Inscriptions within ancient Greek Historiography and the Imperial Novel
(Project Head
Grethlein, Jonas
C09 - Inscription of the Body: Text and Body in pre-modern Iberian literature
(Project Head
Folger, Robert
C10 - Letters as Material Communication in the Literature of the 12th to 17th Century
(Project Head
Tschachtli, Sarina
E03 - Material Text Cultures. Materiality and Presence of Writing in Non-typographic Societies
(Project Heads
Gertz, Jan Christian
Schücking-Jungblut, Friederike
INF - Service Project on Information Management and Information Infrastructure
(Project Heads
Effinger, Maria
Heuveline, Vincent
Witschel, Christian
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Head
Prohl, Inken
Z - Central Duties and Responsibilities of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Lieb, Ludger
Ö - Public Relations Project: "Script-Bearing Artefacts in New Media"
(Project Head
Elias, Friederike