SFB 877:
Proteolysis as a Regulatory Event in Pathophysiology
Subject Area
from 2010 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 125440785
Proteins are essential cellular building blocks with many structural and regulatory functions. Protein modifications are important physiologic regulatory elements and can be involved in the development of diseases such as inflammation, neurodegeneration and cancer. The CRC877 analyzes intra- and intercellular signal transduction pathways, which include a special form of protein modification, namely the cleavage of proteins. While most covalent modifications of proteins are reversible within fractions of seconds, cleavage of proteins is virtually irreversible and is therefore of unique but so far not thoroughly understood importance. Cells need hours to resynthesize cleaved proteins and many short-lived cells such as neutrophils will even not be able to do so. The CRC analyzes such protein cleavage reactions and developed the hypothesis that these are master switches of cellular communications, which are dysfunctional during the development of diseases. Results from the first and second funding period impressively corroborate this hypothesis. In the last funding period our consortium and the integrated research training group want to study how an understanding of proteolytic principles can be used translationally. The final goal of our initiative is to further develop strategies for novel therapeutic concepts in the treatment of inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Analysis of the role of the shedding protease ADAM 17 in vivo
(Project Heads
Chalaris, Athena
Rose-John, Stefan
A02 - Mechanisms of ADAM 17 activation in the context of IL-6R biology
(Project Head
Scheller, Jürgen
A03 - Insights into the cell biology and modulation of ADAM10
(Project Head
Saftig, Paul
A04 - The cell membrane as regulatory element of transmembrane protease function
(Project Head
Reiss, Karina
A05 - Molecular mechanisms and functional consequences of ADAM protease activation induced by extracellular NAD or ATP
(Project Head
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
A06 - Structure-function analysis of the extracellular part of ADAM 17
(Project Head
Grötzinger, Joachim
A07 - Mechanism and implications of NKG2D ligand shedding
(Project Head
Kabelitz, Dieter
A09 - Regulation of meprin metalloproteases in inflammation and fibrosis
(Project Head
Becker-Pauly, Christoph
A10 - Role of proteolysis in interleukin-11 signaling
(Project Head
Garbers, Christoph
A11 - Mechanism of Factor XII-associated Hereditary Angioedema
(Project Head
Renné, Thomas
A12 - Therapeutic potential of proteolytically generated prion protein fragments to treat dementia
(Project Heads
Glatzel, Markus
Saftig, Paul
A13 - Structural and functional properties of meprin metalloproteases with regard to cell signaling
(Project Head
Arnold, Philipp
A14 - Proteolytic generation of the soluble interleukin-6 receptor in vivo
(Project Heads
Garbers, Christoph
Rose-John, Stefan
A15 - Functional role of meprin β in Alzheimer’s disease
(Project Heads
Becker-Pauly, Christoph
Pietrzik, Claus Ulrich
B01 - Role of ubiquitination and proteolysis in the regulation of pro- and anti-apoptotic TNF-R1 signaling
(Project Head
Schütze, Stefan
B02 - Proteolysis in the regulation of non-apoptotic cell death
(Project Heads
Adam, Dieter
Schütze, Stefan
B03 - Role of site-1 and site-2 protease for lysosomal homeostasis
(Project Heads
Braulke, Thomas
Pohl, Sandra
B04 - Proteolysis-dependent post-translational modifications in control of the death factor CD95L
(Project Head
Janßen, Ottmar
B06 - The role of mast cell-restricted transmembrane tryptase y (TMTy) in inflammation
(Project Heads
Bulfone-Paus, Silvia
Orinska, Zane
B07 - Characterization of the in vivo functions of Signal-peptide-peptidase-like 2 intramembrane proteases
(Project Heads
Saftig, Paul
Schröder, Bernd
B08 - Determinants of voltage-gated cation channels as substrates for regulated proteolysis
(Project Heads
Saftig, Paul
Schwake, Michael
B09 - Role of ORMDL proteins for ER stress, autophagy, protein degradation and intestinal homeostasis
(Project Heads
Rosenstiel, Ph.D., Philip Caspar
Schreiber, Stefan
B11 - The role of lysosomal cathepsins in α-synuclein metabolism and Parkinson’s disease
(Project Head
Zunke, Friederike
B12 - The role of microtubule detyrosination in dendritic structure and function
(Project Head
Mikhaylova, Marina
B13 - Regulation of matrix metalloprotease activity during proteolytic invasion of human macrophages
(Project Head
Linder, Stefan
B14 - Cathepsin B in the development of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
(Project Head
Theilig, Franziska
B15 - Proteolytic modulation of intestinal CD4 T helper cell function and immune homeostasis
(Project Head
Scheffold, Alexander
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Becker-Pauly, Christoph
Grötzinger, Joachim
Leippe, Matthias
Pohl, Sandra
Z01 - Central Tasks
(Project Head
Rose-John, Stefan
Z02 - Mass Spectrometry based proteomics for the analysis of proteolytic events
(Project Heads
Janßen, Ottmar
Leippe, Matthias
Tholey, Andreas
Z03 - Proteases and proteolysis followed by microscopy
(Project Heads
Grötzinger, Joachim
Saftig, Paul