Professor Dr. Diethelm Wolfgang Richter
No current work address.
As Applicant
Completed projects
Regulation der KATP-Kanäle in spontan aktiven Neuronen
(Priority Programmes)
Dendritische Integration und Modulation von Ca2+-Signalen
(Research Grants)
Störungen und Kompensationsmechanismen bei Ausfall der glycinergen Hemmung in rhythmisch aktiven und gekoppelten Netzwerken: Untersuchungen an Tiermutanten und Patienten
(Priority Programmes)
As Leader
Completed projects
Konfokales Laserscanning-System
(Major Research Instrumentation)
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
SFB 406: Synaptic Interaction in Neuronal Networks
(Collaborative Research Centres)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 723: Spatio-Temporal Signal Processes in Neurons and Cellular Biophysics
(Research Training Groups)
EXC 171: Microscopy at the Nanometer Range (within DFG Research Centre CMPB)
(Clusters of Excellence)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Funktion einer differentiellen Expression von Serotoninrezeptoren
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Modulation von Synapsen durch Zellorganelle
(Collaborative Research Centres)
SFB-Sekretariat und zentrale Serviceleistung
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Central Facilities
(DFG Research Centres)
(DFG Research Centres)
(DFG Research Centres)
Central Budget
(DFG Research Centres)
From Synaptopathies to System Dysfunction
(DFG Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Intrazelluläre Signalübertragung durch Serotoninrezeptor-Isoformen: Spezifische Interaktionspartner und Bedeutung der Acylierung
(Research Grants)