Project Details
Dr. Sabine Gehrlein
Universität Mannheim
Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Schloss Schneckenhof West
68131 Mannheim
ORCID-ID 0000-0003-3800-5205
As Applicant
Current projects
Open Access Publication Costs / 2025-2027 / University of Mannheim (Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch)
Development of tools for the legally compliant presentation of multimedia objects with Kitodo.Presentation (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Completed projects
InFoLiS II - Integration of research literature and data (Research data and software)
Digitization of the juridical texts of the Desbillons collection (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Optimized use of OCR methods – Tesseract as a component of the OCR-D workflow (Research data and software)
Integration of Kitodo and OCR-D for productive mass digitization (Research data and software)
Workflow for work-specific training based on generic models with OCR-D and upgrading of ground truth data (Research data and software)
Current projects
As Co-Spokesperson
Current projects
BERD@NFDI - NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data (NFDI technical and methodological consortia)
Current projects