Project Details
Professorin Dr. Katrin Kierdorf
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Institut für Neuropathologie
Breisacher Straße 64
79106 Freiburg
As Applicant
Current projects
Macrophage diversity: nature vs. nurture (Research Grants)
Completed projects
Development of cmyb-independent macrophages from the primitive hematopoiesis (Research Fellowships)
Current projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Oncogene-driven adenosine production by leukaemic stem cells promotes their immune escape (Collaborative Research Centres)
CoPILOT, PILOT’s Integrated Research Training Group (CRC/Transregios)
Ctsd-deficiency in macrophages links lysosomal dysfunction to immune-mediated pathology across different organs (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects