Project Details
Professor Dr. Jürgen H.M.M. Schmitt
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Physik
Hamburger Sternwarte (StwB)
Gojenbergsweg 112
21029 Hamburg
As Applicant
Completed projects
Entstehung massearmer Sterne in der Großen Magellanschen Wolke (Priority Programmes)
Differentielle Rotationsbestimmung mit Hilfe von Doppler-Tomographie (Research Grants)
Rotation und differentielle Rotation schwach aktiver Sterne (Research Grants)
Differential rotation in fast rotating solar like stars (Research Grants)
Aktivität von Sternen geringer Masse (Research Grants)
Doppler Imaging series of a fast rotating star (Research Grants)
Differentielle Rotation schneller Rotatoren (Research Grants)
Doppler-Tomographie und Differentielle Rotation aktiver Sterne (Research Grants)
Die magnetische Historie sonnen-ähnlicher Sterne (Research Grants)
Forbidden coronal line emission in galactic outflows (Research Grants)
Forbidden coronal line emission in galactic outflows (Research Grants)
Suche nach jungen Sternen im Feld (Research Grants)
Der Gasinhalt und die Kinematik zirkumstellarer Staubscheiben (Research Grants)
An accretion model for the X-ray emission of classical T Tauri stars (Research Grants)
Detection of Gas in debris disks (Research Grants)
Physical characteristics of the Tres2 exoplanet (Research Grants)
Orbital parameter changes in the Tres2 exoplanetary system (Research Grants)
Stellare Aktivität: Zyklen, Maunder-Minima, Planetenevaporation (Research Grants)
Polarization microvariability study of blazars: host galaxy effects (Research Grants)
Polarimetric determination of exoplanetary orbits (Research Grants)
Activity characterization of low mass planet host star candidates' (Research Grants)
Polarimetric determination of exoplanetary orbits (Research Grants)
HRT activity monitoring of solar-like stars: The Ca II Infrared triplet (Research Grants)
Characterization of extrasolar planets through transmission spectroscopy (Research Grants)
The age distribution of stars in the immediate solar environment (Research Grants)
The physics of strongly irradiated extrasolar planet thermospheres (Research Grants)
The stellar content of wide-angle soft X-ray sky surveys (Research Grants)
Wide angle high speed photometry (Research Grants)
The CARMENES Photometry Project (CPP) (Research Units)
Rotation and activity in low-mass stars (Research Units)
The outer atmospheres of cool M dwarfs (Research Grants)
Chromospheric activity and late stellar evolution (Research Grants)
Completed projects
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
GRK 1351: Extrasolar Planets and their Host Stars (Research Training Groups)
Completed projects
- As Participating Person
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Bubbles and Diffuse X-ray Emission (Research Units)
Current projects