Professor Dr. Carsten Carstensen
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
As Applicant
Completed projects
Numerik einfacher Schalenmodelle mit nichtlinearem Materialverhalten
(Research Grants)
Numerische Relaxierung von nichtkonvexen Funktionalen der Festkörpermechanik
(Priority Programmes)
Mathematische Modellierung und effiziente Numerik zur Simulation vom Werkzeugschleifen
(Priority Programmes)
Numerical algorithms for the simulation of finite plasticity with microstructures
(Research Units)
Foundation and Application of Generalized Mixed FEM Towards Nonlinear Problems in Solid Mechanics
(Priority Programmes)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 357: Efficient Algorithms and Multiscale Methods
(Research Training Groups)
GRK 1128: Analysis, Numerics, and Optimisation of Multiphase Problems
(Research Training Groups)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Numerik einfacher Schalenmodelle mit nichtlinearem Materialverhalten
(Collaborative Research Centres)
(DFG Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
SPP 1480: Modelling, Simulation and Compensation of Thermal Effects for Complex Machining Processes
(Priority Programmes)