Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Abteilung für Entwicklungspsychologie
Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10 F
35394 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35394 Gießen
Research Units
Current projects
Speech and face processing beyond perceptual narrowing: Domain-general vs. domain-specific mechanisms in attunement and its modification
Höhle, Barbara
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Completed projects
FOR 2253: Crossing the Borders: The Interplay of Language, Cognition, and the Brain in Early Human Development
Höhle, Barbara
Prozesse der Gesichtserkennung im Säuglingsalter: Die Rolle natürlicher Variationen
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Prozesse der Objektverarbeitung in visueller Wahrnehmung und Handlung im Säuglings- und Kindesalter
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Zum temporären Behalten von Positionsinformation bei Kindern: Koordinaten, Konstellationen oder doch Sequenzen?
Schumann-Hengsteler, Ruth
Research Grants
Current projects
Music and cognition during infancy and beyond
Degé, Franziska
Frischen, Ulrike
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Completed projects
Cross-modal integration of language and face cues in German and French infants
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Lern- und Gedächtnisleistungen vom Säuglings- bis zum Vorschulalter im Kulturvergleich
Keller, Heidi
Knopf, Monika
Lohaus, Arnold
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Look who s talking: Interactions between face processing and speech perception during perceptual narrowing in monolingual and bilingual German and French infants
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Music lessons and intelligence: executive functions as possible mediators
Degé, Franziska
Current projects
Emotion categorization across the life span: Multiple domains and opportunities for enhancement
(Project Heads
Kauschke, Christina
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Predictive visual-spatial abilities and motor skills beyond infancy
(Project Heads
Jovanovic, Bianca
Schwarzer, Gudrun
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 885: Brain and behavior: neuronal representation and motor control - NeuroAct
Bremmer, Frank
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1901: The Brain in Action
Bremmer, Frank