Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Institut für Klinische Physiologie
Hindenburgdamm 30
12203 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12203 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Mechanisms of epithelial barrier dysfunction in gastrointestinal infectious diseases
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Completed projects
Endocytotic processes in celiac disease
Schumann, Michael
Neuropathic pain resolution by nerve barrier sealing and netrin-1
Krug, Susanne Marlen
Rittner, Heike Lydia
Tight junction protein-based water transport
Fromm, Michael
Transportproteine der GI-Mucosa bei autoimmunen Darmkrankheiten
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Transportproteine und epitheliale Barrierefunktion der gastrointestinalen Mucosa bei immunologisch mediierten intestinalen Erkrankungen
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 5001: Peripheral mechanisms of pain and their resolution
Sommer, Claudia
Modelling barrier resealing of blood‐peripheral nerve and blood‐DRG barriers for pain resolution in nerve injury and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
Krug, Susanne Marlen
Rittner, Heike Lydia
Schindehütte, Magnus
Completed projects
Epitheliale Barrierestörung bei Dünndarminfektionen und systemischen Infektionen mit intestinaler Symptomatik
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 721: Molecular Structure and Function of the Tight Junction
Fromm, Michael
Gefrierbruch-Elektronenmikroskopie der Tight Junction und allgemeine Aufgaben
Fromm, Michael
Tight Junction-Proteine bei entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Current projects
Interplay of the impaired tight junction and the subjacent immune cells in IBD
(Project Heads
Krug, Susanne Marlen
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Development of systematic morpholgical methods for the evaluation of mucosal inflammations and the in-situ detection of defined cell populations
(Project Heads
Kühl, Anja A.
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Siegmund, Britta
Zeitz, Martin
Paracellular intestinal barrier effects of probiotics and feed additives
(Project Heads
Fromm, Michael
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2318: Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular features and actions in health and disease
Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter
Completed projects
GRK 276: Signal Recognition and Transduction
Wiedenmann, Bertram