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Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
CharitéCentrum für Grundlagenmedizin (CC2)
Institut für Physiologie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Units
Completed projects
Adaptation terminaler Gefäßbetten: Einfluß hämodynamischer Faktoren auf Netzwerktopologie, Gefäßstruktur und -tonus
Pries, Axel Radlach
Molekulare Mechanismen der Adaptation von Endothelzellen an Strömungsbedingungen
Zakrzewicz, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Nicotine cessation and withdrawal: alterations in neuroendocrine and sleep-polysomnographic parameters as predictors of relapse
Riemann, Dieter
Rodenbeck, Andrea
Regulation of vascular permeability by sphingolipids
Kübler, Wolfgang
Uhlig, Stefan
Synaptic inhibition in substantia migra, neostriatum and hippocampus of the "weaver" mouse
Misgeld, Ulrich
Research Grants
Current projects
Investigating the Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension with Organ-on-Chip Technology
Kübler, Wolfgang
PML- and Smyd1-dependent regulatory mechanisms and effects on inflammatory responses of vascular endothelial cells
Berkholz, Janine
RUNX2-mediated pulmonary artery remodeling as a pathomechanism and therapeutic target in pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease
Knosalla, Christoph
Kucherenko, Mariya
Kübler, Wolfgang
Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter SNAT2 – a regulatory hub of alveolar homeostasis and its critical role in acute lung injury/ARDS
Kübler, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Cellular mode of action and spectrum of application of angiotensin-(1-7) for the treatment of acute lung injury and systemic inflammatory diseases
Kübler, Wolfgang
Die subakute endotheliale Aktivierung in der myokardialen Reperfusion und ihre Bedeutung für den Reperfusionsschaden des Herzens
Kupatt, Christian
Molekulare Charakterisierung von Endothelien unterschiedlicher Primärlokalisation
Zakrzewicz, Andreas
Pathomechanismus und therapeutische Beeinflußbarkeit des durch Thrombozyten/Leukozyten vermittelten myokardialen Reperfusionsschadens
Boekstegers, Peter
Quantitative Analyse der Totraumventilation in Tiermodellen des akuten Lungenschadens
Guttmann, Josef
Kübler, Wolfgang
Meinzer, Hans-Peter
Puderbach, Michael
Thiele, Frank
Regulation of lung vascular permeability by lysosomal trafficking
Kübler, Wolfgang
Uhlig, Stefan
Strömungsmechanik und Zellphysiologie in der Alveole und ihren Kapillaren
Affeld, Klaus
Kübler, Wolfgang
The role of microRNAs for the regulation of stress-induced tissue factor isoform expression of human endothelial cells and mononuclear leukocytes
Rauch-Kröhnert, Ursula
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Cardio-pulmonary interaction in HFpEF
(Project Heads
Grune, Jana
Kübler, Wolfgang
The alveolar epithelial glycocalyx at the blood-gas barrier of the lung
(Project Heads
Kübler, Wolfgang
Ochs, Matthias
Completed projects
In situ Untersuchungen zu physiologischen Mechanismen der Mikrogliaaktivierung unter pathophysiologischen Bedingungen
(Project Heads
Eder, Claudia
Schilling, Tom
Kartierung von Rezeptor-Ligand-Wechselwirkungen mittels Peptid-Bibliotheken
(Project Heads
Preissner, Robert
Volkmer, Rudolf
Completed projects
Characterization of the Cardiovascular Phenotype and Experimental Therapeutic Approaches in Animal Models
(Project Heads
Kübler, Wolfgang
Riad, Alexander
Tschöpe, Carsten
FXII – between hypercoagulation and fibrinolysis shutdown in COVID-19
(Project Heads
Hackstein, Holger
Kübler, Wolfgang
Preissner, Klaus T.
Wygrecka, Malgorzata
Protective effect of CFTR modulators on endothelial barrier failure in COVID-19 induced ARDS
(Project Heads
Kübler, Wolfgang
Suttorp, Norbert
Witzenrath, Martin
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Data analysis, data integration and rule-based modeling of food allergy
Banerjee, Ph.D., Priyanka
Forslund-Startceva, Sofia
Roll, Stephanie
KFO 339: Food Allergy and Tolerance (Food@)
Worm, Margitta
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 238: Mechanisms of Damage in CNS Disease - Application of Imaging Techniques
Heinemann, Uwe
GRK 865: Mechanisms of Vasoregulation
Kübler, Wolfgang
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1360: Genomics and Systems Biology of Molecular Networks
Klipp, Edda
Additional Information
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