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Universität Trier
Kompetenzzentrum - Trier Center for Digital Humanities
54286 Trier
This institution in GERiT
54286 Trier
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Beyond Words. Semantic and multiword distinctive features for an investigation of literary subgenres
Schöch, Christof
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Current projects
Marburger Büchner Ausgabe digital
Borgards, Roland
Burch, Thomas
Dedner, Burghard
"Wossidlo-Teuchert" online. Publication of the Mecklenburgian dictionary in the Trier dictionary network and corpus-based bidirectional linking with the digital research environment "WossiDiA"
Bieberstedt, Andreas
Burch, Thomas
Labahn, Karsten
Meyer, Holger
Schmitt, Christoph
Completed projects
Grabbe-Portal im Internet
Heinrich-Heine-Portal (HHP) im Internet
Publikation eines digitalen Verbundes von Dialektwörterbüchern
Research Grants
Current projects
Complete edition of the Latin and German works of Paul Fleming
Burch, Thomas
Hintzen, Beate
Müller, Gernot Michael
Werle, Dirk
Correspondences of Early Romanticism. Scholarly Edition – Annotation – Network Research
Breuer, Ulrich
Burch, Thomas
Deicke, Aline Julia Elisabeth
Digital Edition and Thematic Annotation of Franz Liszt's Writings (Liszt Writings Digital)
Bamberg, Claudia
Kleinertz, Rainer
Redepenning, Dorothea
Ferdinand-Tönnies-Letters: A digital edition
Burch, Thomas
Dörk, Uwe
Kohl-Frey, Oliver
Lätzel, Martin
Soeffner, Hans-Georg
Princesses' Libraries and Knowledge Practices in the German-speaking Lands of the 18th Century: Reconstruction, Function, and Meaning
Burschel, Peter
Weis, Joëlle
Stefan Heym's "Ahasver" - Pilot Project for a Digital Historico-Critical Edition
Burch, Thomas
Malinowski, Bernadette
Word families in diachrony (WoDia) - A research environment for the historical word formation of German
Burch, Thomas
Gippert, Jost
Ihden, Sarah
Plate, Ralf
Schröder, Ingrid
Completed projects
Digital Edition of the Correspondence of August Wilhelm Schlegel
Bonte, Achim
Strobel, Jochen
Digitalisation and Online-Edition of the correspondance of Abraham Gottlob Werner
Albrecht, Helmuth
Burch, Thomas
Kurt Schwitters's Intermedia Networks of the Avant-garde - The Merz Series (1923-1932) and Merz Printed Papers
Burch, Thomas
Kocher, Ursula
Schulz, Isabel
The correspondence of the natural philosopher Henrik Steffens (1773-1845). A scientific indexing and virtual merging project
Bergner, Marit
Burch, Thomas
Research Units
Current projects
Data on Jewish individuals in the 15th and 16th centuries: computational modelling and analysis
Cluse, Christoph
Schöch, Christof
FOR 5663: Ashkenaz in New Environments: Actors, Practices and Spaces in Central European Jewish History during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Laux, Stephan
TP5. Viewing Communities: Cinema as transcultural public sphere in Mexican exile
Chihaia, Matei
Research data and software
Completed projects
EncycNet: Historisch-enzyklopädisches Informationssystem
Jannidis, Fotis
Witt, Andreas
Entwicklung eines Satzprogramms für komplexe XML-Daten (XML-Print)
Küster, Marc Wilhelm
Moulin, Claudine
FuD2015 - eine virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für die Geschichtswissenschaften und ein Geschäftsmodell für deren Überführung in den Regelbetrieb
Burch, Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Humanities Research Network and Database System - an Integrated Platform to Collect, Analyse and Publish Primary Data
(Project Heads
Burch, Thomas
Uerlings, Herbert
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Culture – Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage
Schrade, Torsten
Additional Information
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