Universitätsklinikum Münster
Institut für Biomagnetismus und Biosignalanalyse
Malmedyweg 15
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Evozierte und induzierte Gammabandaktivität: Analyse im Zeit-Frequenz-Bereich und Untersuchungen mit unabhängiger Komponentenanalyse
Pantev, Christo
Individualized closed-loop transcranial alternating current stimulation
Herrmann, Christoph
Schneider, Till
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Neural and psychological correlates of phonological categories
Zwitserlood, Pienie
Zeitliche Dynamik auditorisch evozierter kortikaler Steady-State-Felder
Roß, Bernhard
Research Grants
Current projects
Multi-channel transcranial direct current stimulation (mc-tDCS): a novel approach to modulate smooth pursuit eye movement control in healthy individuals and patients with psychotic disorders
Gross, Joachim
Lencer, Rebekka
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
The impact of non-invasive stimulation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex on attentional biases and reward processing: an advanced network approach
Junghöfer, Markus
The role of respiration in human perception and cognition
Gross, Joachim
Kluger, Daniel
The tinnitus network: comorbidity, plasticity and response to treatment
Dobel, Christian
Gross, Joachim
Junghöfer, Markus
Timing Difficulties in Developmental Language Disorder and Stuttering: The Role of Dysfunctional Synchronization of Brain Rhythms
Kell, Christian Alexander
Meyer, Lars
Completed projects
Brain Rhythms in Speech Production
Gross, Joachim
Contribution of bottom-up and top-down processes to perceptive body image disturbances in adolescent anorexia nervosa
Wessing, Ida
Development of a New Strategy for Treatment of Tonal Tinnitus Based on Lateral Inhibition and Plasticity of the Human Auditory Cortex
Pantev, Christo
Entwicklung kombinierter EEG/MEG Beamformer Methoden auf der Basis hoch realistischer Kopfvolumenleitermodelle sowie deren Evaluation anhand der Untersuchung des 'prefrontal-thalamic sensory gating' Systems und möglicher Störungen dieses Systems bei schizophrenen Patienten
Junghöfer, Markus
Entwicklung und Validierung von Verfahren zur Lokalisation von Hirnaktivität mit Hilfe der Methode der Finiten Elemente
Grasedyck, Lars
Haueisen, Jens
Knösche, Thomas
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Entwicklung, Validierung und Anwendung von Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Konnektivität zwischen Hirnstrukturen
Grasedyck, Lars
Knösche, Thomas
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Excitatory and inhibitory attentional effects and inter-hemispheric differences of the human auditory cortex
Pantev, Christo
From feature extraction to consciousness: Linking perceptual processes to neural dynamics
Bruchmann, Maximilian
Funktionelle Organisation und plastische Reorganisation des auditorischen Kortex beim Menschen
Pantev, Christo
Kortikale DC Stimulation zur Therapie der schlaganfallbedingten Dysphagie - eine MEG-basierte Pilotstudie
Teismann, Inga Kristina
Multimodal music training strategy to reverse maladaptive cortical reorganization associated with chronic tinnitus
Pantev, Christo
Multiparametrische Analyse der Korrelation perzeptiver und kognitiver neuronaler Signale durch Integration von Magnetoenzephalographie und 3T-funktioneller Kernspintomographie
Pantev, Christo
Neural correlates of magno- and parvocellular contributions to emotional perception and emotional learning
Steinberg, Christian
Neurogene Dysphagie - Kortikale Reorganisation im Krankheitsverlauf und als Folge therapeutischer Interventionen
Pantev, Christo
Neurophysiological mediators of perceptual, motor and autonomic components of pain
Ploner, Markus
Neurostimulation for the treatment of disturbed pharyngeal sensitivity as a major cause of neurogenic dysphagia
Dziewas, Rainer
Suntrup-Krüger, Sonja
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Reconstruction of epilepsy-characteristic sources by means of a simultaneous evaluation of EEG- and MEG- data using calibrated realistic head models
Rampp, Stefan
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Rekonstruktion epilepsietypischer Quellen durch simultane Auswertung von EEG-und MEG-Daten unter Nutzung kalibrierter realistischer Kopfmodelle
Stefan, Hermann
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Robust Characterization of Hippocampus Dynamics from Magnetoencephalography
Dalal, Ph.D., Sarang
The effect of musical training on perception and processing in the auditory cortex
Pantev, Christo
The impact of short-term musical training on brain functions of auditory music analysis
Lappe, Claudia
Research Units
Completed projects
Funktionelle Organisation emotionaler Verarbeitung im Kortex cerebri
Junghöfer, Markus
Koordination der Forschungsgruppe 348
Rockstroh, Brigitte
Social Stress Effects on Emotional Perception an Associative Learning
Junghöfer, Markus
Schupp, Harald
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
T-BraiC: a new Taxonomy of Brain rhythms in Cognition
Gross, Joachim
Current projects
Brain network characterization of symptom changes using intense sampling
(Project Heads
Junghöfer, Markus
Meinert, Susanne
Nenadic, Igor
Cortical synaptic strength and behavioural rhythms in bipolar depression: a randomized dose-response study of wake therapy
(Project Heads
Gross, Joachim
Ritter, Philipp
Young, Ph.D., Allan
Linking cognitive-behavioural rhythms to brain oscillations, cognition, and disease trajectories in affective disorders
(Project Heads
Gross, Joachim
Ritter, Philipp
Wessing, Ida
Completed projects
Anxiety driven imbalance of top-down and bottom-up processing during emotion perception and affective associative learning
(Project Heads
Junghöfer, Markus
Pantev, Christo
Zwanzger, Peter
Hemodynamic (fMRI) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) correlates of fear-generalization in anxiety disorders: developmental aspects and effects of psychotherapy
(Project Heads
Junghöfer, Markus
Straube, Thomas