Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Klinik für Radiologie und Neuroradiologie
Molecular Imaging North Competence Center (MOIN CC)
Am Botanischen Garten 14
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
Mechanisms of 15N dissolution dynamic nuclear hyperpolarization decay (15N-HP-decay)
Pravdivtsev, Ph.D., Andrey
Parahydrogen-induced hyperpolarization of 13C labeled keto carboxylic acids for medical applications: synthesis, polarization transfer, 13C-MRI
Herges, Rainer
Pravdivtsev, Ph.D., Andrey
PHIP-X: efficient hyperpolarization of small molecules in solution using proton exchange
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Stand-alone two-phase parahydrogen induced hyperpolarizer for ultra-low and high field MR (2P-PHIP)
Buckenmaier, Kai
Körber, Ph.D., Rainer
Plaumann, Markus
Pravdivtsev, Ph.D., Andrey
Completed projects
Long-lived hyperpolarized molecules for magnetic resonance produced using parahydrogen
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Molekulare Bildgebung mit 13C-hyperpolarisierten Tracern zur Differenzierung von abnormalem Gewebe in vivo
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Multimodale ultraschallbasierte Bestimmung der kortikalen Knochenfestigkeit
Glüer, Claus-Christian
Targeting cortical bone quality by ultrasound biomarkers - relations to porosity, stiffness and strength
Glüer, Claus-Christian
Raum, Kay
Ultrasound based measurement of fracture relevant cortical properties of the femoral neck
Glüer, Claus-Christian
Research Units
Current projects
Bacterial evolution during chronic inflammation and its potential for ancestral state restorative therapy
Baines, John F.
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Unterweger, Daniel
FOR 5042: The microbiome as a therapeutic target in inflammatory bowel diseases
Franke, Andre
Completed projects
3D imaging approaches for visualization of target biomarkers in bone metastases in vivo
Glüer, Claus-Christian
Molecular, functional and micro-morphological imaging of bone metastases in vivo
Glüer, Claus-Christian
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Metabolic and Molecular MRI using Hyperpolarized Tracers
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
400 MHz NMR-Spektrometer
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP)
Current projects
3D-Measurements in dense granular assemblies using hyperpolarised Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(Project Heads
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Speck, Oliver
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2154: Materials for Brain (M4B): Thin film functional materials for minimally invasive therapy of brain dieseases
Adelung, Rainer
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine