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Universität zu Lübeck
Sektion Medizin
Institut für Systemische Entzündungsforschung
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
This institution in GERiT
23562 Lübeck
Research Grants
Current projects
Age-associated-susceptibility to B cell autoimmunity in murine epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
Manz, Rudolf
Complement as driver of neuroinflammation and -degeneration in Parkinson‘s disease
Köhl, Jörg
Seibler, Philip
Investigation of the role of the anaphylatoxin receptor C5aR2 in the regulation of NK cell-mediated immune responses
Karsten, Christian
Completed projects
B Cell Autoimmunity in ApoE-deficient (ApoE-/-) Mice
Habenicht, Andreas J.R.
Yin, Ph.D., Changjun
Charakterisierung von Plasmazell-Überlebensnischen
Manz, Rudolf
Die pathogenetische Rolle der Komplementspaltprodukte C3a und C5a bei der septischen Peritonitis
Köhl, Jörg
Die pathogenetische Rolle von C5a und Fc gamma-Rezeptoren in Typ III und Typ IV Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen
Köhl, Jörg
Entstehung und Homeostase langlebiger Plasmazellen
Manz, Rudolf
Functional role of the miR-24-1 cluster in IL-6- and APRIL-dependent survival of plasma cells
Abram, Melanie
Identifizierung und Depletion von krankheitsrelevanten Lymphozyten- Subpopulationen zur Therapie des SLE
Manz, Rudolf
IL-10+ plasma cell mediated control of innate immunity
Manz, Rudolf
Regulation of B-1 lymphocyte trafficking through the C5a/C5aR1 axis
Karsten, Christian
The role of the anaphylatoxin C5a in intestinal immune responses
Köhl, Jörg
The role of the anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a in the pathogenesis of experimental allergic asthma
Köhl, Jörg
Untersuchung der Rolle der Chemokinrezeptoren CCR2 und CXCR3 bei B-Zell und Plasmazell-Homing und Differenzierung
Manz, Rudolf
Untersuchungen zur Extravasation und Migration dendritischer Zellen im schwangeren Uterus der Maus
Kruse, Andrea
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Bone marrow plasma cells in autoimmune lupus modulating the function of bone metabolizing cells - osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Manz, Rudolf
Dissecting the osteoimmunological role of dickkopf-1 in arthritis and glucocorticoidinduced bone loss
Hofbauer, Lorenz C.
Rauner, Martina
Pasteurella multocida toxin as a tool to modulate bone and immune cell differentiation
Hieke-Kubatzky, Katharina
The role of the oxidative burst in bone remodeling during chronic inflammation
Herrmann, Martin
Hoffmann, Markus
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Identifizierung von Signalen, die die Differenzierung und das Überleben von humanen Plasmazellen regulieren
Manz, Rudolf
KFO 303: Pemphigoid Diseases - Molecular Pathways and their Therapeutic Potential
Zillikens, Detlef
The C5a/C5aR1 axis as a regulator of autoreactive IgG antibody glycosylation in pemphigoid diseases
Köhl, Jörg
The role of C5aR2 in the pathogenesis of pemphigoid diseases
Karsten, Christian
Schmidt, Enno
The Role of Lymphocyte-derived Factors in the Effector Phase of Pemphigoid Diseases
Bieber, Katja
Manz, Rudolf
CRC/Transfer Units
Completed projects
Analyse von biochemischen Parametern im Plasma von Sepsis-/SIRS-Risikopatienten
(Project Head
Köhl, Jörg
TFB 15: Die Bedeutung des Komplementspaltproduktes C3a als diagnostischer Frühmarker in der Sepsis
Köhl, Jörg
Verwaltung und zentrale Aufgaben
(Project Head
Köhl, Jörg
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High-End Zellsorter
Multi-Parameter Flow cytometer
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2886: PANDORA - Pathways triggering AutoimmuNity and Defining Onset of early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Krönke, Gerhard
Completed projects
Metabolic and dietary control of mesenchymal tissue priming and persistence of arthritis
Hoffmann, Markus
Mougiakakos, Dimitrios
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
C5a receptor 1 activation as a regulator of autoantibody production in pemphigoid disease
(Project Head
Köhl, Jörg
Crosstalk between T cells and B cells in the differentiation of pathogenic plasma cells in pemphigoid diseases
(Project Heads
Heine, Guido
Manz, Rudolf
Stromal regulation of inflammation in pemphigoid diseases
(Project Head
Hoffmann, Markus
The role of neutrophils in the regulation of the adaptive immunity in pemphigoid diseases
(Project Head
Karsten, Christian
Completed projects
Amplification of NET formation and neutrophil aggregation for the resolution of inflammation
(Project Heads
Herrmann, Martin
Hoffmann, Markus
Analyse humoraler und zellulärer Effektorsysteme bei der Xenotransplantation im diskordanten Kleintiermodell Meerschweinchen/Ratte
(Project Heads
Köhl, Jörg
Meyer zu Vilsendorf, Andreas
Generation und Homeostase von autoreaktiven Plasmazellen bei Autoimmunerkrankungen
(Project Heads
Hiepe, Falk
Manz, Rudolf
Generation und Homeostase von autoreaktiven Plasmazellen bei Autoimmunerkrankungen
(Project Heads
Hiepe, Falk
Manz, Rudolf
Interactions between sleep and complement-driven regulation of intestinal dendritic cell functions
(Project Heads
Autenrieth, Ph.D., Stella E.
Köhl, Jörg
Completed projects
The role of the anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a in the pathogenesis of experimental allergic asthma
(Project Head
Köhl, Jörg
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2633: Defining and Targeting Autoimmune Pre-Disease
Ludwig, Ralf Joachim
Completed projects
GRK 288: Structures and Mediators of the Interaction of Cells
Jelkmann, Wolfgang
GRK 1727: Modulation of Autoimmunity
Zillikens, Detlef
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1911: Immunregulation of Inflammation in Allergy and Infection
Köhl, Jörg
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 306: Inflammation at Interfaces
Schreiber, Stefan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2167: Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)
Niemann, Stefan
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Schreiber, Stefan
Additional Information
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