Leibniz Universität Hannover
Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft
Institut für Umweltplanung
Herrenhäuser Straße 2
30419 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30419 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
JustPlanning – Integrating environmental justice in spatial planning: Current uptake and future opportunities
Albert, Christian
Anderson, Carl Cyrus
KOLA - Empirical basic research on theories and methods of contemporary landscape framework planning
Albert, Christian
Schmidt, Stefan
Mental well-being and adaptation decisions of Mexican farmers following extreme weather events
Koessler, Ann-Kathrin
Completed projects
Charting the Unknown: Assessing and Communicating Uncertainties for Decision-Support in Landscape Planning
von Haaren, Christina
Empirical Research on Planning Cultures in the Context of Open Space, Housing and Retail Development in Shrinking Cities and City Regions
Danielzyk, Rainer
Hohn, Uta
Reimer, Mario
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bewertung der Arten- und Biotopvielfalt (Biodiversität) in Ökobilanzen am Beispiel biogener Kraftstoffe
Kanning, Helga
New horizons from knowledge in spatial planning and environmental economics for developing regional sustainability drawn on theory
Kanning, Helga
Social change and the development of neighborhoods: A demand-oriented decision-making aid for stakeholders in the housing sector
Danielzyk, Rainer
Lentz, Sebastian
Wiegandt, Claus-Christian
The use of information technology in town and country planning in the UK - improving the concept of a participatory GIS-based landscape planning
von Haaren, Christina
Wohnstandortentscheidungen in polyzentrischen Stadtregionen
Danielzyk, Rainer
Lentz, Sebastian
Wiegandt, Claus-Christian