Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Department Biologie
Institut für Funktionelle Genomforschung der Mikroorganismen
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf
This institution in GERiT
40225 Düsseldorf
Research Grants
Current projects
Molecular dissection of a dynamic inositol pyrophosphate signaling pathway controlling genome stability
Fiedler, Dorothea
Fleig, Ursula-Nicole
Completed projects
Analyse der genetischen Kontrolle der Genomstabilität bei der Spalthefe Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Fleig, Ursula-Nicole
Cause and consequence: the contribution of the host´s microtubule cytoskeleton to Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Fleig, Ursula-Nicole
Hegemann, Johannes H.
Entstehung, chemische und strukturelle Eigenschaften von pathologischen hochmolekularen Aggregaten (Alzheimer-Fibrillen/-Plaques, Prionen, Atheroskleroseplaques)
Hoffmann, Ralf
Massenspektrometische Analytik von Proteinen, Proteinkomplexen und Kohlendydrataggregaten
Hegemann, Johannes H.
Research Units
Completed projects
The role of the Chlamydia pneumoniae protein Pmp21 during infection
Hegemann, Johannes H.
The role of the conserved Schizosaccharomyces pombe 1/3 inositol polyphosphate kinase Asp1 in polarized growth
Fleig, Ursula-Nicole
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Dependency of mitochondrial energy metabolism on inositol-pyrophosphate-driven microtubule logistics
(Project Head
Fleig, Ursula-Nicole
Completed projects
Interaction of Chlamydia pneumoniae with the host cell: adhesion, internalisation and the intracellular differentiation
(Project Head
Hegemann, Johannes H.
Molecular determinants of polarized growth in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
(Project Head
Fleig, Ursula-Nicole
The role of LIPP at the host plasma membrane of invading Chlamydia
(Project Head
Hegemann, Johannes H.
Zusammenhang von Aneuploidie und Zellalterung
(Project Heads
Fleig, Ursula-Nicole
Hegemann, Johannes H.