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Klinikum der Universität München
Campus Innenstadt
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV
Arbeitsgruppe Klinische Biochemie
Schillerstraße 42
80336 München
This institution in GERiT
80336 München
Research Grants
Completed projects
Cell surface Engineering by Exogenous addition of GPI Anchored TIMP Functional Domains
Nelson, Peter Jon
MDM-2 in glomerular and interstitial kidney disease
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Thomasova, Ph.D., Dana
The Role of GDF-15 in the Lupus Nephritis
Lech, Ph.D., Maciej
The role of NLRP3-inflammasome in lupus nephritis
Lech, Ph.D., Maciej
Zelluläre und molekulare Mechanismen des chronisch-auf-akuten Nierenversagens
Lech, Ph.D., Maciej
Research Units
Completed projects
Chronische Allograft Nephropathie: Interaktion des Redox-Systems mit nukleären Retinoid (RAR/RXR)-und Leber X(LXR)-Rezeptoren
Gröne, Hermann-Josef
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Analysis of regulatory pathways and target genes linked to progressive renal autoimmunopathies
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Cohen, Clemens David
Nelson, Peter Jon
Regulation of MMP and TIMP Activity During the Chemokine Induced Migration of Immune Effector Cells
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Nelson, Peter Jon
Regulation of Rantes Transcription: Implications für the vontrol of HIV Infection
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Nelson, Peter Jon
Unwrapping Myelination in the Zebrafish
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Brösamle, Ph.D., Christian
Unwrapping Myelination in the Zebrafish
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Brösamle, Ph.D., Christian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Plasma membrane-mediated non-genomic effects of T4, T3 and thyroid hormone metabolite tetrac on different aspects of mesenchymal stem cell biology and their signaling pathways
Nelson, Peter Jon
Spitzweg, Christine
Targeting the pancreatic "tumor vessel interface": strategies based on engineered mesenchymal stem cell biology
Bruns, Christiane Josephine
Completed projects
Engineering of tumor microenvironments using GPI-anchored chemokine-mucin fusions and GPI-anchored TIMP proteins
(Project Heads
Endres, Stefan
Nelson, Peter Jon
Wnt-associated Dkk3 in inflammatory and fibrosing skin disease
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Nelson, Peter Jon
Sandhoff, Roger
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 438: Vascular Biology in Medicine
Siess, Wolfgang
GRK 1202: Oligonucleotides in Cell Biology and Therapy
Endres, Stefan
Additional Information
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