Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Biozentrum Martinsried
Department Biologie II (aufgelöst)
Großhaderner Straße 2
82152 Planegg
82152 Planegg
Research Grants
Current projects
Genetic characterization of a sex-, chromosome-, and tissue-specific mechanism of gene expression regulation
Parsch, John
Completed projects
Acoustical Awareness, Orientation, and Navigation in Rooms
Ewert, Stephan
Analysis of P5B ATPase Function
Lambie, Eric
Auditorische Echoanalyse versus Echounterdrückung beim Menschen
Wiegrebe, Lutz
Bio-gene magnetite in organisms: its structure and putative function for orientation in the Earths magnetic field
Eder, Stephan
Biosonar processing of rare objects in complex scenes
Firzlaff, Uwe
Coding of spatial and temporal frequency in bat biosonar
Wiegrebe, Lutz
Darstellung der Pax-6-Produkte (mRNA/Protein) und catecholaminerger Zellen am histologischen Schnitt des Gehirns (insbesondere des Vorderhirns) des embryonalen und postembryonalen Zebrabärblings Danio rerio.
Wullimann, Mario F.
Dynamische Objektanalyse in der Echoabbildung
Wiegrebe, Lutz
Echolocation on the wing: perception and neural representation of echo-acoustic flow fields in bats
Firzlaff, Uwe
Wiegrebe, Lutz
Evolutionary and functional genomics of Drosophila gene expression
Parsch, John
Evolution of Drosophila genes with sex-biased expression
Parsch, John
Evolution of ocelli and optic neuropils of Pycnogonida (Arthropoda): Fine structure and neuroanatomy
Melzer, Roland
Evolutive Transformation von Ontogeneseabläufen
Starck, J. Matthias
Host and vector adaptation in the tick-borne human pathogens Borrelia
Becker, Noémie
Micro-evolutionary effects of urbanisation on animal behaviour
Sprau, Philipp
Molekulare Evolution von Reproduktionsgenen bei Drosophila
Parsch, John
Morphological and physiological flexibility of domestic working dogs
Starck, J. Matthias
Phänotypische Flexibilität des Gastrointestinaltraktes bei Wirbeltieren
Starck, J. Matthias
Resurrecting ancestral kinesins
Kollmar, Martin
Schliwa, Manfred
Stochastische Echos in der Echoabbildung von Fledermäusen
Wiegrebe, Lutz
Strukture and function of plant and mammalian chromosomes: High resolution scanning electron microscopic structural analysis and localization of DNA and proteins with heavy metal staining and immunogold labeling
Schroeder-Reiter, Elizabeth
The spatial and temporal resolution of bat sonar
Wiegrebe, Lutz
X chromosome inactivation in the Drosophila male germline
Parsch, John
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Starck, J. Matthias
Research Units
Completed projects
Adaptation of Drosophila melanogaster to oxidative stress in temperate environments
Parsch, John
FOR 2682: Seasonal temperature acclimation in Drosophila
Brankatschk, Ph.D., Marko
Gene expression variation in natural populations of Drosophila
Parsch, John
Hörobjektbildung basierend auf der Zeitstruktur akustischer Signale
Wiegrebe, Lutz
Klump, Georg M.
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Emergence, loss and regulation of de novo genes
Bornberg-Bauer, Erich
Parsch, John
Completed projects
Behavioral and neuronal mechanisms of olfactory imprinting in zebrafish
Friedrich, Rainer
Gerlach, Gabriele
Wullimann, Mario F.
Rapid evolution of gene regulation
Parsch, John
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Advanced Light Microscopy
(Project Head
Neumann, Jürgen
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen
(Project Head
Wanner, Gerhard
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit FIB
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1563: Regulation and Evolution of Cellular Systems
Frishman, Dmitrij
Zimmer, Ralf