Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Centre for Organismal Studies (COS)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 230
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Cysteine biosynthesis acts as a regulatory hub for ABA-mediated stomatal closure
Hell, Rüdiger
Wirtz, Ph.D., Markus
Deciphering Heterogeneity in Drosophila multi-nucleated Muscles by decoding Gene Regulatory Networks active in Single Muscle Nuclei
Lohmann, Ingrid
Velten, Britta
Decoding Gene Regulatory Networks in single Drosophila Motoneurons
Lohmann, Ingrid
Determining mechanisms of phloem formation
Greb, Thomas
Elucidating the Role of Hox Transcription Factors in the Chromatin Context
Lohmann, Ingrid
Interactions of signalling pathways in genome maintenance during neurogenesis
Acebrón, Sergio Pérez
Regulation of cysteine partitioning into translation and stress responses.
Hell, Rüdiger
Wirtz, Ph.D., Markus
Species-Specific Timing of Neurogenesis
Centanin, Ph.D., Lazaro
Stress-induced regulation of N-terminal acetylation controls proteostasis in plants
Hell, Rüdiger
Wirtz, Ph.D., Markus
The role of SMXL7 in plant vessel formation
Greb, Thomas
The role of the centriolar CEP350 network in centrobin removal from centrioles and distal appendage/CEP19 recruitment
Pereira, Gislene
Schiebel, Elmar
Completed projects
Analysis of the developmental potencies of stem cells in Hydrozoa using mutants
Müller, Werner A.
Decisive Molecular Interactions in the early secretory pathway of plant cells
Robinson, David G.
Decoding the Lateral Expansion of Plant Stems
Greb, Thomas
Die Rolle der vakuolären Zuckertransporter des AtVGT-Typs während wichtiger Entwicklungsprozesse und Stressreaktionen
Büttner, Michael
Die Rolle von WNT/ß-Catenin-Signalsystemen bei der Etablierung der Körperachse und der Stammzellengenese bei Hydractinia (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)
Müller, Werner A.
Dissection of general and specific regulatory mechanism of sulfur metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana
Hell, Rüdiger
Wirtz, Ph.D., Markus
Elucidating the role of protein load for the physiology of Enterococcus faecalis by integrating proteomics data and genome-scale computational models
Fiedler, Tomas
Veith, Nadine
Fremderkennung und Gewebe(un)verträglichkeit bei dem marinen Hydroiden Hydractinia
Frank, Uri
Functional characterization of two new sugar transporter families within the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS)
Büttner, Michael
Function and regulation of the spindle positioning checkpoint (SPOC) kinase Kin4 of budding yeast
Pereira, Gislene
Funktion und Spezifität von Hox-Genen in der Determinierung von Segmentidentitäten entlang der anterior-posterioren (A/P) Achse von Drosophila-Embryonen
Lohmann, Ingrid
Genetic and circuit bases of mechanically-induced predator avoidance in Platynereis dumerilii larvae
Jékely, Gáspár
Hox Control of Morphogenesis via Co-Evolution of Numbers and Affinities of Hox Binding Sites with Transcription Factor Concentrations
Lohmann, Ingrid
KatNat_Elucidating the multifaceted functions of protein acetyltransferases in plant stress response and regulation of metabolism.
Finkemeier, Iris
Gibbs, Daniel
Giglione, Ph.D., Carmela
Wirtz, Ph.D., Markus
Mechanisms of neuropeptidergic regulation of larval settlement behavior in the marine worm, Platynereis dumerilii
Jékely, Gáspár
Modulation der `sink`-Aktivität durch koordinierte Expression von Invertase und Monosaccharid-Transporter in Arabidopsis
Büttner, Michael
Molecular analysis of ARGONAUTE7 function
Maizel, Alexis
Molecular and Behavioural Differences Between Homeostatic and Growth Stem Cells
Centanin, Ph.D., Lazaro
Molecular mechanisms of Hox specificity and functional diversity
Rogulja-Ortmann, Ana
Novel functions of the Drosophila Hox gene Ultrabithorax in central nervous system development
Rogulja-Ortmann, Ana
Proteomics analysis of endosomal compartments in Arabidopsis (ERA-PG 069)
Jürgens, Gerd
Robinson, David G.
Regulation and function of the Hox gene Ultrabithorax in the late embryonic central nervous system of Drosophila
Rogulja-Ortmann, Ana
Sorting and Transport of Proteins into the Dense Vesicle Pathway
Robinson, David G.
Sorting of seed storage proteins in developing seeds: Formation of transport vesicles and interdependence of different sorting pathways
Hinz, Giselbert
Studies of vacuolar transporters controlling nutrient storage and ion detoxification in Arabidopsis thaliana
Krebs, Melanie
Study of the interplay between the V-PPase and tonoplast-localise NHX antiporters in ion and pH homeostasis
Andres Gonzalez, Ph.D., Zaida Maria
Systems biology of cambium differentiation in Arabidopsis thaliana L.
Greb, Thomas
The functional role of protein O-mannosylation during eye development in zebrafish
Lommel, Mark
The regulatory function of the plant cysteine synthase protein complex for cellular cysteine homeostasis
Hell, Rüdiger
The Role of Hox Transcription Factors in Cellular Plasticity
Lohmann, Ingrid
The roles of Wnt-associated deubiquitinases
Acebrón, Sergio Pérez
Unraveling cellular and molecular mechanisms that coordinate pre- and postsynaptic maturation by intravital imaging in the Drosophila central nervous system
Evers, Jan Felix
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Die Regulation von Monosaccharid-Transportern bei der Entwicklung und Funktion von Schließzellen und Wurzeln in Arabidopsis
Büttner, Michael
Functional characterization of vacuolar sugar transporter homologs
Büttner, Michael
Redox-sensitive switches in the core S-assimilation/GSH-biosynthetic pathway of plants
Hell, Rüdiger
Rausch, Thomas
Wirtz, Ph.D., Markus
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Correlative cryogenic fluorescence and soft x-ray tomography of cells
Weinhardt, Venera
Funktion und Evolution von Hox-Genen
Lohmann, Ingrid
Suche nach Plasmodesma-assoziierten Proteinen in Arabidopsis thaliana mit Hilfe eines spezifischen Markerpeptids
Pott, Marcella
The establishment of the cambium-specific stem cell niche, which is being addressed by characterizing CBI1, a novel repressor of cambium identity in Arabidopsis thaliana
Suer, Stefanie
Uncovering the genetic basis for variation in adaptive responses to water deficit in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Lindner, Heike
Research Units
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Maizel, Alexis
Coordination Funds
Maizel, Alexis
FOR 2581: Quantitative Morphodynamics of Plants
Maizel, Alexis
Mechanisms and mechanics of lateral root initiation
Maizel, Alexis
Quantitative analysis of the cellular growth dynamics during lateral plant growth
Greb, Thomas
Support for data processing and management
Maizel, Alexis
The role of Vacuolar Hexose Exporters during Stress Response and Development
Büttner, Michael
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Decoding Concepts of Multi-Cellularity and Growth Dynamics
Greb, Thomas
Molecular control of ciliogenesis
Pereira, Gislene
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Pereira, Gislene
Decoding Concepts of Multi-Cellularity and Growth Dynamics
Greb, Thomas
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Comparative Mechanistic Analysis of Selective Autophagy in Plants
Dagdas, Ph.D., Yasin
Completed projects
Cell biology of microtubule-dependent processes
Pereira, Gislene
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Kri-kri: A statically sound and accessible framework for causal regulatory inference from high-content CRISPR screens
Velten, Britta
The Cell biology of light signaling – What is the function of nuclear photobodies?
van Gelderen, Kasper
Understanding cell lineage plasticity in the development and evolution of vertebrate cranial cartilage
Saunders, Lauren
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
confocal laser-scanning-microscope
Confocal Microscope with Laser Ablation
Multiview light sheet fluorescence microscope with laser ablation capacity
Single-objective light-sheet microscope
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Molecular specificity of ARGONAUTE action in ta-siRNAs biogenesis
(Project Head
Maizel, Alexis
Regulatory Specificity of Radial Plant Growth
(Project Head
Greb, Thomas
The roles of Wnt signaling in genome stability
(Project Heads
Acebrón, Sergio Pérez
Bastians, Holger
Wnt-cilia signaling in epithelial polarization and renal development
(Project Heads
Pereira, Gislene
Simons, Matias
Wnt pathway specificity in niche – stem cell control
(Project Heads
Bageritz, Josephine
Lohmann, Ingrid
Completed projects
Charakterisierung und Funktionsanalyse pfalnzlicher Clathrin- und COP-coated Vesikel
(Project Heads
Holstein, Susanne E.H.
Robinson, David G.
Functional role of centrosomes and cilia in stem cells
(Project Head
Pereira, Gislene
Mechanisms of niche – stem cell unit origin and maintenance
(Project Head
Centanin, Ph.D., Lazaro
Molecular and cellular control of the Drosophila male stem cell niche
(Project Head
Lohmann, Ingrid
Sensing and signaling integration in the surveillance mechanisms of the spindle position checkpoint
(Project Head
Pereira, Gislene
Spatio-temporal specificity of cambium stem cell signaling
(Project Head
Greb, Thomas
Stress-induced regulation of N-terminal acetylation controls proteostasis in plants
(Project Heads
Hell, Rüdiger
Wirtz, Ph.D., Markus
Zelluläre Mechanismen der Hox-abhängigen Morphogenese in Drosophila
(Project Head
Lohmann, Ingrid
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 388: Biotechnology: Biochemical and Molecular Foundation
Wink, Michael
GRK 484: Signalling Systems and Gene Expression in Developmental Model Systems
Pollerberg, Gabriele Elisabeth
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 249: The Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Wittbrodt, Joachim
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2082: 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)
Bunz, Uwe F. H.
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Wegener, Martin
Wittbrodt, Joachim