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Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
Sektion 4.8: Geoenergie
14473 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14473 Potsdam
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses von fluidgenerierenden Mineralreaktionen auf die Stabilität von Scherzonen
Milsch, Ph.D., Harald
Research Grants
Completed projects
Coupled beHaviour undErstaNdIng of fauLts : from the Laboratory to the fiEld
Bohnhoff, Marco
Cotton, Fabrice
Determination of PVTx properties of dense H2O+NaCl solutions to 5 GPa, 600 °C, and 50 wt% NaCl
Speziale, Sergio
Electrical phenomena during carbon dioxide sequestration on the laboratory scale with respect to an electromagnetic monitoring
Repke, Jens-Uwe
Spitzer, Klaus
In situ determination of sulfur speciation in fluids at high temperature and pressure at controlled redox conditions: implications for magma degassing and formation of magmatic ore deposits
Behrens, Harald
Schmidt, Christian
Löslichkeit von HFSE-Mineralen und Speziation von HFS-Elementen in wässrigen Fluiden bei hohen Temperaturen und Drücken
Wilke, Max
Solubility and complexation of nickel in hydrothermal fluids at conditions relevant for ore formation processes
Beermann, Oliver
Schmidt, Christian
Sr- and Pb-distribution between fluid, epidote minerals and lawsonite: geochemical significance in subduction zone processes
Franz, Gerhard
Wechselwirkungen zwischen wässrigen Fluiden und silikatischen Schmelzen - Verteilung von Spurenelementen
Wilke, Max
Priority Programmes
Current projects
The role of fenitising fluids in the formation of Nb, Zr and REE ore deposits
Horn, Ingo
Schmidt, Christian
Veksler, Ph.D., Ilya
Completed projects
Experimental studies on Mo mobility in high-pressure high-temperature fluids of complex compositions
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Schmidt, Christian
Wilke, Max
Niobium, zirconium, titanium, and rare earth elements in alkaline silica-undersatured magmas: experimental determination of solubility, complexation and phase relations and implications for the formation of magmatic Nb-Zr-REE deposits
Schmidt, Christian
Veksler, Ph.D., Ilya
Spinels at elevated Pressure and Temperature: Linking Geo- and Material-Scientific Projects
Schilling, Frank Rüdiger
Research data and software
Current projects
World Heat Flow Database Project
Elger, Kirsten
Fuchs, Sven
Mäs, Stephan
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 1070: Darmstadt Graduate School of Energy Science and Engineering
Hasse, Christian
Janicka, Johannes
Additional Information
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