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Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Fachbereich Philosophie und Geschichtswissenschaften
Institut für Philosophie
60629 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Research Units
Completed projects
Kohärenztheorien der Erkenntnis
Spohn, Wolfgang
Logik in der Philosophie
Schroeder-Heister, Peter
Logik in der Philosophie - Kohärenztheorien der Erkenntnis
Spohn, Wolfgang
Meinen als Entscheiden
Fuhrmann, André
Zentralprojekt - Konstanz
Spohn, Wolfgang
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Fuhrmann, André
Research Grants
Current projects
A new edition of Immanual Kants Works (Abteilung I) of the Academy Edition of Kants Collected Works
Gerhardt, Volker
Kant's Regulative Cosmology
Howard, Stephen
One's Own Death: Deprivation and Existential Value
Willaschek, Marcus
Rationality as pragmatic worldly prudence: Kant’s anthropology and the modern social sciences
Salikov, Alexey
Zhavoronkov, Alexey
The Proof-Theoretic Structure of Counterfactual Inference
Wieckowski, Bartosz
Completed projects
Anfechtbare Zuschreibungsbegriffe - ihre Struktur und ihre Bedeutung für Erkenntnis- und Handlungstheorie
Willaschek, Marcus
A Theory of Legal Obligation
Bertea, Ph.D., Stefano
Der Begriff des höchsten Gutes - seine rationalitätstheoretische, handlungstheoretische und ethische Bedeutung in der Philosophie Kants
Willaschek, Marcus
Dimensions of Doubt. On the Nature, Logic and History of Doxastic Suspension
Zinke, Alexandra
First Person Authority
Barz, Wolfgang
Formal aspects and the impact of Teleosemantics
Detel, Wolfgang
Proof-Theoretic Foundations of Intensional Semantics. Counterfactuals of belief and knowledge
Wieckowski, Bartosz
Proof-theoretic semantics of intensional transitive verbs
Wieckowski, Bartosz
The connection between meaning and knowledge in holistic theories of language in analytic philosophy and structuralism
Seel, Martin
The Political Difference of Life: For a Reconceptualization of the Crisis of State and Society
Heller, Jonas
Menke, Christoph
The Pre-History of Kant’s Non-Evidentialism
Willaschek, Marcus
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Artikulation der Welt. Zur Rolle der Sprache für das menschliche Denken, Wahrnehmen und Erkennen
Seel, Martin
Über den mentalen Zugang zur Welt. Realismus, Skeptizismus und Intentionalität
Willaschek, Marcus
CRC/Cultural Studies Research Centres
Completed projects
Die Umbrüche in der Wissenskultur des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts
(Project Head
Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias
Formen und Funktionen ästhetischer Wissensgenerierung in der Frühen Neuzeit: Descartes und sein wissenskultureller Kontext
(Project Heads
Detel, Wolfgang
Zittel, Claus
Kontext, Kognition und Natur in der Genese von Wissenskulturen
(Project Heads
Becker, Alexander
Detel, Wolfgang
Spekulatives, naturkundliches und politisches Wissen: Die Differenzierung der Wissenschaften und intellektuellen Lebensformen im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert
(Project Heads
Fidora, Alexander
Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias
Wissenkulturen in der antiken und frühneuzeitlichen Philosophie
(Project Head
Detel, Wolfgang
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Negation and cancellation
(Project Heads
Ebert, Cornelia
Fuhrmann, André
Completed projects
Potestas, Iurisdictio and Dominium: Discourses of Weakness and Violence during the 13th and 14th Centuries
(Project Head
Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Realism about Collective Agents: The Current Debate about the Nature of Collective Action and its Relation to Medieval Political Philosophy
Spindler, Anselm
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Thinking about Suspension. Different Perspectives on Doxastic Neutrality.
Zinke, Alexandra
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 412: Classicism and Romanticism in the European Context. The Aesthetic Invention of Modernity in Literature, the Fine Arts, Music, and the Culture of Every-Day Life
Oesterle, Günter
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 243: Formation of Normative Orders
Forst, Rainer
Günther, Klaus
Additional Information
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