Helmholtz Zentrum München
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH)
Institut für Diabetes und Krebs
Ingolstädter Landstraße 1
85764 Neuherberg
This institution in GERiT
85764 Neuherberg
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Deciphering molecular mechanisms underlying transgenerational inheritance of acquired traits
Vogt, Ph.D., Merly
Mechanismus der transkriptionellen Regulation cAMP-responsiver Gene durch Co-Aktivator-assoziierte Acetyl-Transferase-Aktivitäten
Herzig, Stephan
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Kontrolle des Blutzucker Metabolismus durch den transkriptionellen Co-Repressor RIP140: Pathophysiologische Bedeutung für den Typ II Diabetes
Herzig, Stephan
Research Grants
Completed projects
Molecular control of brite adipogenesis: Identification of novel cell surface markers, transcriptional regulators and functional components
Klingenspor, Martin
Molekulare Stoffwechselkontrolle durch hormonelle Gegenregulation
Herzig, Stephan
Regulation of hepatic lipid homeostasis by transcriptional co-factor complexes
Herzig, Stephan
Regulation of TBL1 transcriptional co-factor complex activity through filamin A and its implications in obesity
Herzig, Stephan
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
Control of energy homeostasis through BRITE adipocytes
Herzig, Stephan
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5795: HyperMet: Effects of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy on metabolic health
Wackerhage, Henning
HyperCancer. Investigating the metabolic consequences of muscle-tumour interplay
Rohm, Maria
HyperSteroids. Effects of steroid hormone-related muscle hypertrophy and atrophy on systemic glucose homeostasis and adiposity
Dyar, Ph.D., Kenneth A.
Tokarz, Janina
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Targeting endocannabinoid receptors in atherosclerosis and metabolic dysfunction
(Project Heads
Herzig, Stephan
Steffens, Sabine
Completed projects
Identification of early imaging biomarkers of efficacy for anti-angiogenic therapy in neuroendocrine tumors
(Project Head
Pellegata, Natalia S.
Metabolic effects of fasting interventions on liver and kidney in type 2 diabetes
(Project Heads
Herzig, Stephan
Nawroth, Peter
Szendrödi, Julia
Metabolic Imaging in Cancer Cachexia
(Project Heads
Berriel Diaz, Mauricio
Herzig, Stephan
Karampinos, Ph.D., Dimitrios
Multimodal treatment and molecular determinants of cachexia in PDAC
(Project Heads
Berriel Diaz, Mauricio
Herzig, Stephan
SFB 1118: Reactive metabolites as a cause of diabetes complications
Herzig, Stephan
Nawroth, Peter
Szendrödi, Julia
Targeting of TSC22D4 to counteract diabetic liver fibrosis
(Project Heads
Ekim, Ph.D., Bilgen
Herzig, Stephan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Metabolische Hochdurchsatz-Phänotypisierungsanlage
Current projects
Investigating novel endocrine signals of liver – white and brown adipose tissue cross talk in response to cold exposure and feeding cues
(Project Heads
Georgiadi, Ph.D., Anastasia
Herzig, Stephan
Sexual dimorphism of adrenal hormone action in metabolic tissues
(Project Heads
Herzig, Stephan
Uhlenhaut, Nina Henriette
The molecular pathology of PPGLs and genetically-driven molecular-targeted therapies: Towards precision medicine
(Project Heads
Nölting, Svenja
Pellegata, Natalia S.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1216: Intra- and Intercellular Transport and Communication
Maier, Uwe Gallus