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Universität Duisburg-Essen
Campus Essen
Fakultät für Biologie
Abteilung Aquatische Ökologie
Universitätsstraße 5
45141 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45141 Essen
Research Grants
Current projects
Integrated Monitoring of PArasites in Changing EnvironmenTs (IMPACT)
Leese, Florian
Sures, Bernd
Completed projects
Combining uptake and subcellular partitioning/toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in modelling Cu2+ toxicity to zebra mussels, taking into account water chemistry
Le, Ph.D., Thi Thu Yen
Drivers of cryptic species coexistence in stream ecosystems – a case study using gammarid amphipods from Sicily
Leese, Florian
Sures, Bernd
Entwicklung ICP-MS basierter Methoden zur Ultraspuren- und Speziesanalytik von Pd und Pt in biologischen Matrices
Hirner, Alfred V.
Sures, Bernd
Fisch-Grazing, Korallenwiederbesiedlung und Rifferosion im Roten Meer
Schuhmacher, Helmut
Invasionspotential und Adaptionsfähigkeit des parasitischen Neozoen Anguillicoloides crassus
Sures, Bernd
Land to Sea: integrated modelling of consequences of terrestrial activities and climate change for freshwater and coastal marine biodiversity and ecosystem services
Hering, Daniel
Kannen, Andreas
Modelling the spatio-temporal dispersal of benthic macroinvertebrates in rivers as a tool for predicting recolonization
Hering, Daniel
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Biotic and abiotic drivers of macroinvertebrate dispersal
(Project Head
Feld, Christian K.
Central administration of the CRC 1439
(Project Head
Sures, Bernd
Central scientific project: RESIST synthesis
(Project Heads
Hering, Daniel
Jähnig, Sonja
Schäfer, Ralf B.
Ecological effects of parasites: their contribution to stress responses of their hosts and their importance for dispersal processes
(Project Head
Sures, Bernd
Integrated Research Training Group of RESIST
(Project Heads
Brauer, Verena
Sures, Bernd
Integrating physiological tolerance, biotic interactions, and dispersal ability into (meta)population models
(Project Head
Le, Ph.D., Thi Thu Yen
Maintenance of experimental systems, central field work and central sample analysis
(Project Heads
Boenigk, Jens
Fohrer, Nicola
Hering, Daniel
Leese, Florian
Public Relation
(Project Heads
Hering, Daniel
Sures, Bernd
Recovery processes of riverine organism groups (benthic invertebrates, diatoms and fish) from different modes and severities of degradation
(Project Heads
Haase, Peter Martin
Hering, Daniel
SFB 1439: Multilevel response to stressor increase and release in stream ecosystems (RESIST)
Sures, Bernd
Completed projects
Degradation and recovery of protistan parasite communities under multiple stressors
(Project Heads
Beisser, Daniela
Boenigk, Jens
Dunthorn, Ph.D., Micah
Sures, Bernd
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Co-benefits of river and floodplain integrity: Exploring Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages on an intercontinental scale
Schürings, Christian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Flexible until it snaps: Dynamics of genes & traits, densities & diversity in communities challenged by environmental change
Boenigk, Jens
Rahmann, Sven
Sures, Bernd
Research Units
Completed projects
Influence of different types of subject-specific prior knowledge on academic success in biology and physics
Schmiemann, Philipp
Theyßen, Heike
Additional Information
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