Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Institut für Multiple-Sklerose-Forschung
Abteilung Neuroimmunologie
Von-Siebold-Straße 3a
37075 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37075 Göttingen
Research Units
Completed projects
Visualizing the Role of Myeloid Cells During CNS Autoimmunity
Flügel, Alexander
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
Funktioneller Cross Talk zwischen Lunge und Gehirn als Ursache von ZNS-Autoimmunität
Flügel, Alexander
Research Grants
Current projects
Understanding immune cell trafficking at cellular and molecular level
Odoardi, Francesca
Completed projects
New approaches to better understand an old treatment regimen - molecular, cellular and live intravital imaging studies on glucocorticoid therapy of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis as a model of multiple sclerosis
Lühder, Fred
Patho-mechanisms of autoantibodies in CNS autoimmunity
Flügel, Alexander
Ryanodine receptors and NAADP in T cell biology
Flügel, Alexander
Guse, Andreas H.
The mineralocorticoidreceptor in myeloid cells - a new player in CNS autoimmunity
Lühder, Fred
Reichardt, Holger M.
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Intravital imaging of CNS autoimmunity from the cellular to the molecular level
Odoardi, Francesca
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Intravital imaging of CNS autoimmunity from the cellular to the molecular level
Odoardi, Francesca
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Pathomechanisms of Sensory Defects in the Eye During Autoimmune Gray and White Matter Disease
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Odoardi, Francesca
Ryanodine receptors and NAADP in T cell biology
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Guse, Andreas H.
Completed projects
Live analysis of encephalitogenic T cells within autoimmune central nervous system lesions
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Kawakami, Naoto
Wekerle, Hartmut
Schicksal und Funktion enzephylitogener T-Lymphozyten im Organismus: Funktionelle Analyse fluoreszenter GFP-transduzierter T-Zellen
(Project Head
Flügel, Alexander
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Confocal laser-scanning-microscope
Intravital-2-Photonen-Nanoskop (I2PN)
Kombiniertes Konfokal-Zweiphotonen-Mikroskop
Current projects
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Simons, Mikael Jakob
Checkpoints determining recovery from acute autoimmune CNS grey matter lesions
(Project Head
Flügel, Alexander
The role of the meninges in the resolution of acute autoimmune CNS lesions
(Project Heads
Merlini, Arianna
Odoardi, Francesca
TRR 274: Checkpoints of Central Nervous System Recovery
Flügel, Alexander
Simons, Mikael Jakob
Completed projects
Encephalitogenic T cells during preclinical EAE: migratory behavior and functional analysis of fluorescent GFP-transduced T cells
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Odoardi, Francesca
Intravital analyses of T cell priming and effector phases during active and spontaneous EAE
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Lühder, Fred