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Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische Informatik
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10587 Berlin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Adaptive depth simulation of hybrid models within generic modeling and simulation frameworks
Jähnichen, Stefan
Causal relations among system states and behavior in primate memory: a tACS perturbation approach
Logothetis, Nikos K.
Obermayer, Klaus
Paulus, Walter
Entwurf und Analyse komplexer hybrider Systeme basierend auf formalen objektorientierten Spezifikationen
Jähnichen, Stefan
Iterative Kompression zur Lösung schwieriger Netzprobleme
Niedermeier, Rolf
Linking metric and symbolic levels in autonomous reinforcement learning
Obermayer, Klaus
Modellierung von Inferenzen in Mentalen Modellen
Wysotzki, Fritz
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Small parameters in hard problems: Design, analysis, implementation and application of fixed-parameter algorithms
Niedermeier, Rolf
Research Grants
Current projects
Computational Social Choice: Multiple Preference Profiles and Multiple Solutions
Bredereck, Robert
Optimal Control of Models of Neural Population Dynamics
Obermayer, Klaus
The Art of Difference Parameterization in Multivariate Algorithmics
Komusiewicz, Christian
Completed projects
Algorithm Engineering for NP-hard Problems: Parameterized Algorithms versus Established Techniques
Hüffner, Falk
Algorithmen zur Erzeugung quasiregulärer Strukturen in Graphen (AREG)
Niedermeier, Rolf
Algorithms for Fair Allocations (AFFA)
Bredereck, Robert
Automatische Modellierung und Simulation von technischen Systemen mit Unsicherheit
Jähnichen, Stefan
Mehrmann, Volker
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph
Pepper, Peter
Data-driven parameterized algorithmics of graph modification problems(DAPA)
Niedermeier, Rolf
Data reduction in parameterized algorithmics: New models and methods
Niedermeier, Rolf
Datenreduktion und Problemkerne
Guo, Jiong
Niedermeier, Rolf
Dynamic computation of hierarchical prediction errors during sequence learning
Blankenburg, Felix
Obermayer, Klaus
Formale, mechanisch unterstützte Fundierung aspektorientierter und kollaborationsbasierter Sprachen
Jähnichen, Stefan
Heterogeneity of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus: Quantification, Simulation, and Functional Analysis
Bordyugov, Grigory
Kern-Algorithmen zum Lernen in Feature-Räumen
Jähnichen, Stefan
Konstruktion und Verifikation eingebetteter echtzeitfähiger Steuerungssoftware und ihrer Transformation in ausführbaren Code unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Multicore und Adaptivität
Glesner, Sabine
Jähnichen, Stefan
Lernende Software-Agenten zur Filterung von Textdokumenten
Obermayer, Klaus
Lernende Software-Agenten zur Filterung von Textdokumenten
Albayrak, Sahin
Obermayer, Klaus
Maschinelles Lernen zur Funktionsvorhersage für Proteine im großen Maßstab
Buhmann, Joachim M.
Maschinelles Lernen zur Funktionsvorhersage für Proteine im großen Maßstab
Lengauer, Thomas
Maschinelles Lernen zur Funktionsvorhersage für Proteine im großen Maßstab
Jähnichen, Stefan
Matching under Preferences: Multimodal Views and Domain Restrictions
Bredereck, Robert
More efficient algorithms for polynomial-time solvable graph problems
Nichterlein, André
Multivariate Algorithmics for Temporal Graph Problems (MATE)
Niedermeier, Rolf
Neural mechanisms of real-world visual categorical decisions
Cichy, Radoslaw Martin
Obermayer, Klaus
Neuronale biologisch inspirierte Steuerungsachitektur für einen mobilen Roboter
Obermayer, Klaus
Optimal solutions for hard problems in computational biology
Niedermeier, Rolf
Parameterized algorithmics for bioinformatics
Niedermeier, Rolf
Parameterized Algorithmics for Voting Systems
Niedermeier, Rolf
Parameterized complexity and exact algorithms
Niedermeier, Rolf
Parametrisierte Algorithmik
Niedermeier, Rolf
Quantitative Erfassung der Entwicklungsdynamik von identifizierten Neuronen bei Insekten
Pflüger, Hans-Joachim
Quantitative Erfassung der Entwicklungsdynamik von identifizierten Neuronen bei Insekten
Obermayer, Klaus
Risk-sensitive choice and reinforcement learning under uncertainty
Obermayer, Klaus
Ostwald, Dirk
Risk-sensitive decision making under inclomplete information
Obermayer, Klaus
Subject specific maximization of motor function with an adaptive optimal combination of noisy and oscillatory transcranial current stimulation
Brandt, Stephan A.
Obermayer, Klaus
Trade-offs in Parameterized Data Reduction
Niedermeier, Rolf
Verifying common object-oriented design-patterns in stateful actor-languages
Helke, Steffen
Research Units
Completed projects
Computational consequences of interneuron plasticity
Sprekeler, Henning
FOR 2143: Interneuron Synaptic Plasticity - From Mechanisms to Functions
Bartos, Marlene
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Information processing and security in near-future quantum communication networks
Pappa, Ph.D., Anna
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
A combined perturbation and modelling approach to understand and modulate the interactions between brain oscillations underlying memory consolidation in human NREM sleep
(Project Heads
Flöel, Agnes
Obermayer, Klaus
Ritter, Petra
A neuronal model for the development of schemas and their role in systems memory consolidation
(Project Heads
Kempter, Richard
Lindner, Benjamin
Sprekeler, Henning
End-to-end Energy Profiles of Data Analysis Workflows
(Project Heads
Böhm, Matthias
Grunske, Lars
Rabl, Tilmann
Completed projects
Dynamics and control of inter-areal brain networks
(Project Head
Obermayer, Klaus
Kontextabhängige Signalverarbeitung im visuellen System
(Project Head
Obermayer, Klaus
Current projects
Machine and deep learning for population data analysis
(Project Heads
Binder, Harald
Sprekeler, Henning
Optimizing cortical interneuron circuits for flexible integration of information streams
(Project Head
Sprekeler, Henning
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 120: Signalling Cascades in Living Systems
Menzel, Randolf
GRK 1589: Sensory Computation in Neural Systems
Obermayer, Klaus
GRK 2434: Facets of Complexity
Rote, Günter
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2002: Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)
Brock, Oliver
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 86: Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Pauen, Michael
Villringer, Arno
Additional Information
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