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Information processing and security in near-future quantum communication networks

Applicant Anna Pappa, Ph.D.
Subject Area Theoretical Computer Science
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 418294583
The development of quantum theory is arguably one of the greatest scientific revolutions of the twentieth century. During the last decades, it has become apparent that, except from capturing nature at its most basic level, quantum theory comes along with profound implications to fields other than physics, such as cryptography, algorithms, and game theory. This is because quantum systems exhibit an intrinsic randomness that can be technologically exploited in order to significantly boost computational performance, increase the security of communications and in general achieve tasks that are impossible with purely classical means.The aim of this research proposal is to build the essential components for future quantum networks in order to guarantee security of communication and computation. It is expected to pave the way for large-scale quantum cloud computing by exploring solutions that will allow users to store and process their data on a network, and consequently provide a more effective way for computing and communication. This will be achieved by exploring composability and modular synthesis of quantum and classical routines as parts of larger protocols for secure multiparty computation. To succeed in this modular view, we need (i) to examine and verify the quantum resources (modules), (ii) to address the routing of information and construction of resources (connecting modules) and (iii) finally to examine delegated multipartite protocols in their generality. Only after going through these steps we can return to the end-term goal of the project, which is to give novel protocols that can securely, and realistically be implemented in future quantum networks.The proposed project is highly innovative and multidisciplinary, and will position me in the center of this exciting and rapidly progressing field. I possess a diverse scientific background that allows me to combine theoretical and experimental techniques beyond the current state-of-the-art and engage in innovative research. In this way, I aim to reinforce the local academic scene and build a strong research group on quantum cryptography and communication, with links to the international academic community. To conclude, a successful Emmy Noether fellowship will allow me to fully integrate the German academic life and build a long-term research and teaching career in Germany.
DFG Programme Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups

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