Universität Hamburg
Centre for the Studies of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC)
Warburgstraße 26
20354 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20354 Hamburg
Publication Grants
Current projects
For my Blemishless Lord: A Study of Three Srivaisnava Medieval Commentaries on Tiruppan Aivar's Amalan Ati Piran.
Anandakichenin, Ph.D., Suganya
Completed projects
Der Kreislauf der Opfergaben im Veda
Wilden, Eva
Research Grants
Current projects
African voices in the Islamic manuscripts from Mali: documenting and exploring African languages written in Arabic script (Ajami)
Bondarev, Dmitry
The Persian Documents from al-Ḥaram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, 1300-1353
Bhalloo, Ph.D., Zahirhassan
The Turkish Alphabet Reform and the Alevi Tradition – The End of a Manuscript Culture?
Motika, Raoul
Completed projects
Change and retention in annotated manuscripts of West Africa
Bondarev, Dmitry
From Graves to Wells? New curse tablets from the Athenian Ceramicus and the Local Development of the Cursing Ritual
Chiarini, Ph.D., Sara
Texts Surrounding Texts: Satellite Stanzas, Prefaces and Colophons in South-Indian Manuscripts (collections of the Paris BnF and Hamburg Stabi)
Wilden, Eva
The language of Chu manuscripts
Park, Haeree
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Change and Retention in Annotated Manuscripts of West Africa
(Project Head
Bondarev, Dmitry
Noting down oral reports: The accounts of local history from the Mackenzie Collection
(Project Head
Wilden, Eva
The Reform of the Turkish Writing System and the Alevi Community – The End of a Manuscript Culture?
(Project Head
Motika, Raoul
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5138: Spiritual Intermediality in the Early Modern Period
Steiger, Johann Anselm
musica angelica et consociatio hominum cum angelis. Angelic music in sacred spaces
Droese, Janine
Huck, Oliver
Steiger, Johann Anselm
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2176: Understanding Written Artefacts
Bausi, Alessandro
Butts, Aaron
Friedrich, Michael
Harter-Uibopuu, Kaja
Hirschler, Ph.D., Konrad
Schroer, Christian