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Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI)
Department of Semiconductor Spectroscopy
Hausvogteiplatz 5-7
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5387: Printed & Stable Organic Photovoltaics from Non-Fullerene Acceptors
Deibel, Carsten
Optoelectronic characterization of printed organic solar cells
Neher, Dieter
Shoaee, Safa
Completed projects
Lichtemitter auf der Basis von Intersubband-Übergängen
Grahn, Holger
Optimierung des Designs von Intersubband-Emittern und Wachstum von (In,Ga)(As,N)-Strukturen auf GaAs
Schrottke, Lutz
Research Grants
Current projects
Exploring the Quantum Character of Interfacial Excitations at the Donor-Acceptor Heterojunction – Towards Efficient Organic Solar Cells with Minimum Energy Offset
Andrienko, Denis
Brabec, Christoph J.
Neher, Dieter
Shoaee, Safa
MBE growth and advanced characterization of large-scale van der Waals heterostructures
Jordao Lopes, Joao Marcelo
Point defects control in Ga2O3 thin films grown via molecular beam epitaxy
Bierwagen, Oliver
Martin, Manfred
Wagner, Markus R.
Pushing the FF of Non-Fullerene Acceptors Based Solar Cells Above 80%: Relating Order to Reduced Recombination to Device Performance
Neher, Dieter
Shoaee, Safa
Completed projects
Coherent GHz electro-optomechanics with polaromechanical crystals
Kuznetsov, Alexander
Santos, Paulo V.
Far-infrared magneto-spectroscopy of novel semiconductor materials in megagauss magnetic fields using quantum-cascade lasers
Schrottke, Lutz
Flexible Synthesis of Stable Gold Nanoparticle Clusters
Schulz, Florian
High-resolution terahertz semiconductor spectroscopy using quantum-cascade lasers: Develop-ment of appropriate laser sources for 2.7-3.3 and 5.0-5.7 THz
Grahn, Holger
Optimierung des Designs von Intersubband-Emittern und Wachstum von (In,Ga)(As,N)-Strukturen auf GaAs
Schrottke, Lutz
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Electronic Structure of Nano-scale Objects
(Project Heads
Hoffmann, Axel
Schliwa, Andrei
Wagner, Markus R.
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Terahertz Injection Locking of Quantum Cascade Lasers using Modified Uni-Travelling Carrier Photodiodes (UTC4QCL)
Böhm, Ph.D., Johanna
Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm
Lü, Xiang
Stöhr, Andreas
Additional Information
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