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Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE)
c/o Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Arf6-Aktivierung durch BRAG-Proteine: synaptische Regulation und Rolle bei mentaler Retardierung
Kornau, Hans-Christian
Research Grants
Current projects
Identification of the memory signature: gene expression patterns underlying synapse strengthening and weakening
Dean, Camin
Investigating the role of NMDA receptor hypofunction in psychosis using neuroimaging across scales and species
Prüß, Harald
Stroh, Albrecht
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Interaction between Synapsin, alpha-Synuclein and Synaptic Vesicles
Milovanovic, Dragomir
“NMDA receptor hypofunction revisited: Cellular mechanisms of psychosis in mouse models of NMDA receptor ablation”
Liebscher, Sabine
Prüß, Harald
Rewiring of GABAergic inhibitory cells recruited during spatial representation
Haberl, Matthias
Viana da Silva, Ph.D., Silvia
Completed projects
Arf6-Aktivierung durch BRAG-Proteine: synaptische Regulation und Rolle bei mentaler Retardierung
Kornau, Hans-Christian
Epitopic targets of the monoclonal auto-antibody repertoire in autoimmune encephalitis
Prüß, Harald
Immune-mediated pathogenesis and development of autoimmunity in neurological manifestations of COVID-19
Franke, Christiana
Prüß, Harald
Warnke, Clemens
Regulation of dense core vesicle trafficking and capture by synaptotagmin 4
Dean, Camin
Regulation of post-synaptic receptor recycling by synaptotagmin 3
Dean, Camin
Synaptic autoimmunity in neuropsychiatric diseases
Prüß, Harald
Visualizing BDNF cell-to-cell transfer and its effects on synapse and circuit function
Dean, Camin
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Molecular Mechanisms of Learning, Remembering and Forgetting
Dean, Camin
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Development of molecular tools for manipulating and studying memory engrams
(Project Heads
Hegemann, Peter
Rosenmund, Christian
Rost, Benjamin
Schmitz, Dietmar
Vierock, Johannes
Nanoscale Dynamics and Regulation of Synapsin Condensates
(Project Head
Milovanovic, Dragomir
SFB 1315: Mechanisms and disturbances in memory consolidation: From synapses to systems
Larkum, Matthew
Completed projects
Molekulare Analyse synaptischer Modulation: Proteininteraktionen metabotroper Rezeptoren
(Project Head
Kornau, Hans-Christian
SFB 958: Scaffolding of Membranes: Molecular Mechanisms and Cellular Functions
Haucke, Ph.D., Volker
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Synaptic Mechanisms underlying Phelan McDermid and Asperger's Syndrome
(Project Head
Garner, Craig C.
Synaptic scaffold proteins regulate presynaptic proteostasis
(Project Heads
Garner, Craig C.
Schmitz, Dietmar
The role of synaptotagmins in olfactory processing
(Project Head
Dean, Camin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Cellular mechanisms facilitating the spreading of Tau pathology in Alzheimer's disease: uptake, release and synaptic cell-to-cell transmission of Tau nano-aggregates in neuronal networks
Wegmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Die Rolle von RIM 1 alpha und seinen Isoformen bei der Ausbildung und Funktion der präsynaptischen aktiven Zone
Bruederle, Cathrin
Mechanismen der Endocytose von synaptischen Vesikeln
Ackermann, Frauke
Mechanisms regulating the assembly, dynamics and stability of mammalian presynaptic active zones
Maas, Ph.D., Christoph
Signalspezifische Dynamik postssynaptischer Adapterproteine
Specht, Christian
Transsynaptic signaling influenced trough the dynamics of ProSAP/Shank proteins at excitatory synapses
Grabrucker, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Condensation of ribosomal proteins in ribosome biogenesis and neurological ribosomopathy
Kraushar, Ph.D., Matthew
Nikolay, Rainer
Wegmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Molecular and Cellular Determinants of Tau Protein Condensation into Dense Liquid Phases
Betzel, Christian
Mandelkow, Eckhard
Wegmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Completed projects
Delineating and testing a microcircuit model of parahippocampal phase precession
Brecht, Michael
Kempter, Richard
Schmitz, Dietmar
Development and Application of New Optogenetic Tools Targeted to Intracellular Compartments
Hegemann, Peter
Rost, Benjamin
Engineering of Chrimson for Subcellular Optogenetic application
Elstner, Marcus
Hegemann, Peter
Rost, Benjamin
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 3004: Synaptic pathology in autoimmune encephalitis – SYNABS
Geis, Christian
FOR 5228: Membrane trafficking processes underlying presynaptic proteostasis
Kreutz, Michael R.
Maintaining presynaptic function in dopaminergic synapses
Gundelfinger, Eckart D.
Rosenmund, Christian
Molecular mechanisms and in-vivo functional effects of antibodies in GABAB receptor autoimmune encephalitis
Geis, Christian
Kornau, Hans-Christian
Schmidt-Hieber, Christoph
Origin and Diversity of Pathogenic Human Monoclonal Antibodies and T cells in Tumor-associated Autoimmune Neurological Disorders
Prüß, Harald
Wahl, Ilka Maria
Completed projects
Developmental and synaptic defects caused by transplacental transmission of NMDA receptor antibodies
Kaindl, Angela
Kirmse, Knut
Prüß, Harald
Origin and diversity of pathogenic human monoclonal antibodies to the NMDA receptor
Prüß, Harald
Wardemann, Hedda
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Antibody target identification and novel diagnostics
Prüß, Harald
Wanker, Erich E.
Autoantibody pathogenicity in antibody-induced and common neurodegenerative diseases
Schmitz, Dietmar
Wegmann, Ph.D., Susanne
Disease models and novel diagnostic imaging markers
Makowski, Marcus R.
Prüß, Harald
Establishing a Core Unit for Research and Treatment for patients with antibody-mediated neurological diseases
Prüß, Harald
Radbruch, Helena
Ripke, Stephan
KFO 5023: BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosing, Understanding and Treating Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases
Endres, Matthias
Current projects
Rewiring of GABAergic inhibitory cells recruited during spatial encoding
(Project Heads
Haberl, Matthias
Viana da Silva, Ph.D., Silvia
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2049: NeuroCure
Dirnagl, Ulrich
Schmitz, Dietmar
Additional Information
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