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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Zentrum für Molekulare Medizin
Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Medizin I
Glückstraße 6
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Zeb1-mediated mechanisms of the EMT-associated ferroptosis sensitivity
Brabletz, Thomas
Brabletz, Simone
Completed projects
Analysis of Laminin - alpha7beta1 Integrin Interactions: Ligand specificity and Binding sites
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Biochemical and functional analysis of laminin isoforms, laminin-5, -6 and -7
Sasaki, Takako
In vivo contributions of collagen IV for structure, stability and function of basement membranes
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Research Grants
Completed projects
Analyse der in-vivo Funktion von Annexin A5
Pöschl, Ernst
Analysing the Role of Growth Plate Specific Genes in Endochondral Ossification by Specific Overexpression or Deletion under the BAC Col10a1 Promoter
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Cancer promoting transcriptional enhancers controlled by the EMT-activator ZEB1
Brabletz, Thomas
Brabletz, Simone
Chemically Modified Nanoporous Titanium Oxide for Biomedical Applications
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Schmuki, Patrik
Development of a cantilever sensor chip as a point-of-care (POC) device for label-free, rapid, and multiplexed detection of cancer protein biomarkers
Urban, Gerald A.
Die Rolle der microRNA-200 Familie in der Tumorinvasion und Metastasierung
Brabletz, Thomas
Die Rolle des EMT-Aktivators ZEB1 bei Verlust von Zellpolarität und Akkumulation von Tumorstammzellen in kolorektalen Karzinomen
Brabletz, Thomas
Die Rolle von Twisted Gastrulation in der Chondrocytendifferenzierung und Skelettentwicklung
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Interaction of the EMT-activator ZEB1 and the Yap/Taz/Hippo-pathway in cancer
Brabletz, Thomas
Role of the EMT activator ZEB1 in pancreatic cancer invasion, dissemination and metastasis
Brabletz, Thomas
Brabletz, Simone
The role of fibulin-4 in development and homeostasis of elastic components of the skeletal connective tissue
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
The role of the oncoprotein ß-Catenin for invasion and metastasis formation of colorectal carcinomas
Brabletz, Thomas
Zelluläre Interaktionen mit Matrix-beschichteten biomimetischen Materialien
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Targeting the roots of cancer metastasis and therapy resistance
Brabletz, Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Epigenetics and therapeutic options of EMT-associated drug resistance in pancreatic cancer
(Project Heads
Brabletz, Thomas
Keck, Tobias
Molekulare Grundlagen von Integrin-vermittelten Zell-Matrix-Interaktionen bei Entzuendungsprozessen
(Project Head
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
NF-AT-Faktoren als Regulatoren der Expression pro- und anti-apoptischer Gene in Lymphozyten
(Project Heads
Brabletz, Thomas
Serfling, Edgar
Regulation der Transkription des Typ X Kollagen Gens durch Parathormon und Thyroxin
(Project Heads
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Pöschl, Ernst
Regulation der Zellmigration auf Laminin durch A7b1-Integrin vermittelte Signalkaskaden
(Project Heads
von der Mark, Ph.D., Klaus
Pöschl, Ernst
Role of the EMT activator ZEB1 in pancreatic cancer invasion, dissemination and metastasis
(Project Heads
Brabletz, Thomas
Brabletz, Simone
The role of the cadherin switch compared to Zeb1-dependent EMT in embryogenesis and tumor formation
(Project Heads
Brabletz, Thomas
Stemmler, Marc
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Rho-GTPases and Muscle Differentiation: Spatio-Temporal Control of Rac1-Activity and Specific Signaling Pathways
Samson, Thomas
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2438: Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis
Greten, Florian R.
The role of the EMT-inducer Zeb1 in the invasive tumor stroma during colon cancer progression
Brabletz, Thomas
Farin, Henner
The role of the EMT-inducer Zeb1 in the invasive tumor stroma during colon cancer progression
Brabletz, Thomas
Farin, Henner
Current projects
Metabolic dysregulations in EMT-driven metastatic colonisation
(Project Heads
Brabletz, Thomas
Mougiakakos, Dimitrios
Completed projects
Zeb1 expressing macrophages control metastatic colonisation
(Project Head
Brabletz, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 805: Protein-Protein Interactions in Signal Transduction
Hillen, Wolfgang
Additional Information
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