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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Biologie
Arbeitsgruppe Ökologie
Philippstraße 13
10115 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10115 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Free-living nematodes as vectors and reservoirs for Legionella pneumophila
Rueß, Liliane
Steinert, Michael
Harnessing the soil food web for the biological control of root-knot nematodes
Rueß, Liliane
Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis: a new tool to determine tropic interactions in soil food webs
Rueß, Liliane
Completed projects
DFG Trilateral collaboration Deutschland-Israel-Palestine: Nematodes as potential vectors for human pathogens
Hallmann, Johannes
Rueß, Liliane
Die genotypische Diversität von Microcystis-Blüten und die Bildung bioaktiver Oligopeptide unter dem Einfluß von Umweltbedingungen und der Wechselwirkung mit dem Zooplankton
Henning, Manfred
Is higher silicon availability increasing the mineralization of organic matter in fen peatlands?
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Schaller, Jörg
Multitrophic Interactions with Oaks
Buscot, Francois
Grams, Thorsten
Rueß, Liliane
Scheu, Stefan
Schrey, Silvia
Tarkka, Mika
N2O emissions as response of process-related soil microbial activity to different irrigation and nitrogen fertilization regimes in potato cropping
Rueß, Liliane
Theuerl, Susanne
Trost, Benjamin
Nematodes as important source for omega-3 long-chain fatty acids in the soil food web and the impact in nutrition for higher trophic levels
Menzel, Ralph
Nematodes as important source for w3 long-chain fatty acids in the soil food web and the impact in nutrition for higher trophic levels
Rueß, Liliane
Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis: a new tool to determine trophic interactions in soil food webs
Rueß, Liliane
Systematische Untersuchungen zur Xenobiotika- und Huminstoff induzierten Genexpression im Nematoden Caenorhabditis elegans
Menzel, Ralph
The nematode-based food-chain of a temperate deciduous forest
Maraun, Mark
Zelluläre Mechanismen und physiologische Funktion von Cytochrom P450 abhängigen Eicosanoiden am Beispiel des Modellorganismus Caenorhabditis elegans
Menzel, Ralph
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Trophic interactions of the soil micro- and mesofauna - Lipids and N-Isotopes as bioindicators
Rueß, Liliane
Research Units
Completed projects
Rueß, Liliane
Scheu, Stefan
FOR 918: Carbon Flow on Belowground Food Webs Assessed by Isotope Tracers
Rueß, Liliane
Nematodes as link between microbial and faunal food web
Rueß, Liliane
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Links and fluxes in forest soil micro-food webs under different land use intensity
Rueß, Liliane
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Carbon and energy flow in the soil microbiome – functional groups, activity and interactions in trophic networks
Kolb, Steffen
Rueß, Liliane
Additional Information
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