Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene
Institut für Virologie
Hermann-Herder-Straße 11
79104 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79104 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
The importance of cells which survive SARS-CoV-2 infection
Schwemmle, Martin
The role of CMV-encoded IgG binding glycoproteins in diaplacental virus transmission
Kolb, Philipp
Completed projects
Abwehr von Influenza- und Influenza-ähnlichen Viren durch Interferon: Bedeutung von Interferon-ß, Toll-like Rezeptoren und plasmacytoiden dendritischen Zellen
Stäheli, Peter
Analyse von Cytomegalovirus-kodierten Fcgamma-Rezeptoren (vFcgamma-R)
Hengel, Hartmut
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 intra host evolution in immunocompromised individuals: A potential source of immune escape variants
Panning, Marcus
Warnatz, Klaus
Antiviral function of the human MxA protein and its association with the viral nucleocapsid
Kochs, Georg
Characterisation of an novel interferon antagonist of Thogoto virus
Kochs, Georg
Diversity of forests affecting human health
Bonn, Aletta
Bruelheide, Helge
Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael
Einsatz konfokaler Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie zum Studium intrazellulärer Prozesse bei Virusinfektion und immunologischer Abwehr
Haller, Otto Albrecht
Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of MxB-mediated restriction of herpes virus infections
Kochs, Georg
Sodeik, Beate
Functional analysis of NS1 of highly pathogenic, mouse-adapted influenza A viruses in Mx1+/+ mice
Kochs, Georg
Functional analysis of the cGAS/STING axis during bacterial and viral infections and implications for the development of innovative vaccines
Kalinke, Ulrich
Ruzsics, Zsolt
Influence of the interferon system to control tick-transmitted Bourbon virus
Kochs, Georg
IRG- and GBP-specific virulence mechanisms of Toxoplasma gondii
Steinfeldt, Tobias
Molekularbiologische Charakterisierung der Orthomyxovirus-Replikation: Das ML-Protein von Thogoto-Virus als Interferon-Antagonist
Kochs, Georg
Molekulare Mechanismen der MxA-Virus-Interaktion
Kochs, Georg
Molekularer Mechanismus des La Crosse-Virus-induzierten Abbaus der zellulären RNA-Polymerase II
Kochs, Georg
Pathogenesis and immunity of Avian bornavirus infections in birds
Rubbenstroth, Dennis
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Antivirally active factors of the type I interferon systems of small mammals
Kochs, Georg
Weber, Friedemann
Viral genes governing CMV capsid export
Koszinowski, Ulrich H.
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2830: Advanced Concepts in Cellular Immune Control of Cytomegalovirus
Dölken, Lars
FOR 5200: Disrupt - Evade - Exploit: Gene expression and host response programming in DNA virus infection (DEEP-DV)
Brinkmann, Melanie
Human cytomegalovirus manipulation of HLA class I by US10
Halenius, Ph.D., Anne
Impact of HCMV-encoded FcγR antagonists on innate immune cell function
Hengel, Hartmut
Spatiotemporal regulation of host/viral chromatin remodeling complexes by Human Adenovirus (HAdV) determinants during early infection
Schreiner, Sabrina
Completed projects
Control of CD8+ T cells through interference of Cytomegalovirus with the "peptide loading complex" (PLC)
Hengel, Hartmut
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Analyse STAT-vermittelter hepatozellulärer Signalwege mittels viraler Antagonisten
(Project Head
Hengel, Hartmut
Analyse von Cytomegalovirus-kodierten Fcy-Rezeptoren (vFcyR)
(Project Head
Hengel, Hartmut
Antiviral factors and signal pathways in liver damage and regeneration
(Project Heads
Graf, Dirk
Hengel, Hartmut
Zimmermann, Albert
Kontrolle von MHC I Funktionen durch Mitglieder der HCMV US12 Genfamilie
(Project Head
Hengel, Hartmut
Räumliche und zeitliche Auflösung von Virusdynamik und Immunantwort bei Cytomegalovirus
(Project Heads
Koszinowski, Ulrich H.
Ruzsics, Zsolt
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Identification of cellular restriction factors against herpesviral infection
Full, Florian Sebastian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High Resolution Confocal light microscope with incubation chamber (Teilfinanzierung(
Current projects
Determinants, dynamics and diversity of SUMO/PML nuclear bodies in the control of hepatitis B virus infection and cccDNA
(Project Heads
Nassal, Michael
Schreiner, Sabrina
Impact of neonatal CMV infection on lung macrophage development
(Project Heads
Henneke, Philipp
Ruzsics, Zsolt
Integrated Research Training Group “Immunovirology”
(Project Heads
Bauer, Tanja
Böttcher, Katrin
Hengel, Hartmut
Lohmann, Volker
Ruggieri, Ph.D., Alessia
Schreiner, Sabrina
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1045: Modulation of Host Cell Functions to Treat Viral and Bacterial Infections
Dittmer, Ulf