Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik
Leibnizstraße 11-19
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
Astrospheric shielding of habitable planets
Scherer, Klaus
Exciton-polariton quasi-particles in 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites explored by complementary all-optical and electron-beam spectroscopy
Talebi, Nahid
Exploring electron-phonon interactions and coherent-phonon control of quantum materials using frequency-domain ARPES
Bauer, Michael
Caruso, Ph.D., Fabio
Is there local energization of ions to the suprathermal reservoir in the inner heliosphere?
Heidrich-Meisner, Verena
Mechanisms of adsorbate diffusion at electrochemical interfaces
Magnussen, Olaf
Pehlke, Eckhard
Morphology and Self-induced Motioin of Particles in Plasmas
Block, Dietmar
Multi-spacecraft observations of 3D velocity distribution functions of pickup ions as a tool to investigate transport phenomena in the heliosphere
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
NSF-DFG MISSION: Operando surface X-ray scattering studies of quasi-epitaxial growth and electrocatalysis at liquid gallium electrodes
Magnussen, Olaf
Plasma acoustic emission (PLACE)
Gaal, Mate
Kersten, Holger
Plasma diagnostics for nanoparticle synthesis in novel gas aggregation clustersources with cylindrical magnetrons
Kersten, Holger
Quantitative study of the plasma-solid interface and its utilization in treatment of 2D materials
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Kersten, Holger
Sequential Interaction of Low-Energy Electrons with Nanostructured Samples for Quantum-Sensitive Measurements
Hommelhoff, Peter
Talebi, Nahid
Structure and dynamics of binary mixtures in complex plasmas
Block, Dietmar
Time-resolved ARPES of solids – entering the strong-field regime
Bauer, Michael
Completed projects
3-d evolution of solar wind streams and suprathermal particles
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
Beschaffung eines 64-Kanal Digitizers für raum-zeitlich aufgelöste Messungen von Fluktuationen in turbulenten magnetisierten Plasmen
Piel, Alexander
Bestimmung solarer, koronaler und heliosphärischer Eigenschaften durch in-situ Messungen
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
Cold atmosheric pressure plasma jet as a seletive source of reactive species for quantitative study of plasma sterilization mechanisms
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Cold atmospheric plasmas for material synthesis: generation of silicon quantum dots and particle-free thin film deposition
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Cold atmospheric plasmas for the study of fundamental interaction mechanisms with biological substrates: the role of ions and the plasma-induced liquid chemistry
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Connecting solar wind composition variations to solar source regions
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
Data analysis in combination with numerical simulations of the acceleration and propagation of energetic particles in the vicinity of planetary magnetospheres
Heber, Bernd
Data-validated, Self-consistent Modelling of Turbulence and Particle Transport in the Heliosphere
Fichtner, Horst
Heber, Bernd
Diffusion von Dithiol-Molekülen auf Goldoberflächen
Magnussen, Olaf
Pehlke, Eckhard
Dreidimensionale Driftwellenturbulenz und fluktuationsinduzierter Transport
Piel, Alexander
Dynamic processes in magnetized complex plasmas
Piel, Alexander
Dynamik kollektiver Transportprozesse an Oberflächen von Metallelektroden
Magnussen, Olaf
Electrochemical properties of Metal Oxide Epitaxial Catalysts
Magnussen, Olaf
Energetic Ions and Electrons in Solar Jets
Heber, Bernd
Entstehung schwacher Turbulenz in einer Taylor-Couette Strömung mit stark eingeschränkter Multiplizität der zu Grunde liegenden stationären Lösungen
Pfister, Gerd
Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Software zur perioperativen Analyse der Herzfrequenzvariabilität im Routine-EKG
Block, Dietmar
Experiments on the subcritical transition to spiral turbulence in Taylor-Couette flow by parametric modulation and chaos control
Pfister, Gerd
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Iowa
Piel, Alexander
In situ analysis of plasma-induced material modifications on nanoparticles for functional applications
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Faupel, Franz
In-situ surface x-ray scattering studies of electrochemical metal growth and dissolution
Magnussen, Olaf
In situ X-ray scattering studies of growth at liquid metal - liquid electrolyte interfaces
Magnussen, Olaf
Investigations of the dynamics of rapidly changing plasma sheaths during plasma immersion ion implantation using non-conventional diagnostics
Kersten, Holger
Mändl, Stephan
Lokale Dynamik von Auflösungs-, Abscheidungs- und Diffusionsprozessen an Kupferelektroden
Magnussen, Olaf
Long-lived hot carriers, coherent spin transport, and the role of surfaces in lead halide perovskites
Fauster, Thomas
Mechanisms of the electrochemical oxidation, restructuring, and dissolution of platinum
Cherevko, Serhiy
Magnussen, Olaf
Molekulardynamik-Simulationen staubiger (komplexer) Plasmen
Kersten, Holger
Multidisciplinary reconstruction of the pan-network physiome generating spontaneous synchronized neural activity in the mammalian brain
Hülsmann, Swen
Oberflächenstruktur von Gläsern: Einfrieren von Kapillarwellen?
Press, Werner
One-dimensional molecular self-assembly on vicinal surfaces (MOL-VIC)
Berndt, Richard
Physiklernen und Handeln - Studie an Computersimulationen zu Energieumsatz und Energieversorgung sowie an zugehörigen Unterrichtsansätzen
Dahncke, Helmut
Pickup Ions in the Heliosphere
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
Piezotronic effects in freestanding microcomposites
Adelung, Rainer
Kienle, Lorenz
Murphy, Bridget
Rotationsdynamik einfacher Moleküle in komplexen Umgebungen
Press, Werner
Self-consistent solar wind model and the emergence of the FIP effect from Alfvén waves
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
Shot noise of the electrical current through magnetic atoms and molecules
Berndt, Richard
Small-Scale Composition Variations and the Origin of the Solar Wind
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.
Spinabhängiger RTM-induzierter Elektronentransport und Lichtemission in Ferromagnet/GaAs Heterostrukturen
Gruyters, Markus
Spiralen in offener und geschlossener Taylor-Couette-Strömung
Pfister, Gerd
Strukturbildung in der Driftwellenturbulenz und fluktuationsinduzierter Transport
Piel, Alexander
Struktur und Dynamik an Grenz- und Oberflächen dünner Polymerfilme
Press, Werner
The Influence of Cosmic Rays on Exoplanetary Atmospheric Biosignatures
Heber, Bernd
Rauer, Heike
Sinnhuber, Miriam
The origin of 3He-rich solar energetic particles
Bucik, Ph.D., Radoslav
The sources of widespread solar energetic particle events - A comprehensive combined modeling and observational approach
Heber, Bernd
Time-resolved low energy photoelectron diffraction for the study of surface structural dynamics with sub-100 fs temporal resolution
Bauer, Michael
Time-resolved studies of ultrafast electronic processes in two-dimensional solids in the strongly non-thermal regime
Bauer, Michael
Towards novel tools for in operando TEM: Plasma modification live
Kersten, Holger
Kienle, Lorenz
Tunnelspektroskopie von korrelierten Elektronen: Supraleitung und Metall-Isolator-Übergang
Kröger, Jörg
Ultrakurzeitdynamik von Ordnungsprozessen in stark korrelierten Festkörpern untersucht mit zeit- und winkelaufgelöster XUV-Photoelektronenspektroskopie
Bauer, Michael
Unterstützung für eine Kollaboration mit dem Institut für Physik, Universität Tromsø, Norwegen
Piel, Alexander
Untersuchungen zu Transportvorgängen in staubigen Plasmen
Piel, Alexander
Untersuchung und Manipulation magnetischer ultradünner metallischer Schichtsysteme mittels schneller Ionen
Winter, Helmut
Video-STM studies of adsorbate dynamics at electrochemical interfaces
Magnussen, Olaf
Wellen und Transport in Komplexen Plasmen
Piel, Alexander
Wie schmelzen Gläser an der Oberfläche?
Press, Werner
Winkelauflösende Photoelektronen-Nanospektroskopie an reinen und nanostrukturierten Schichtsystem-Oberflächen
Kipp, Lutz
Research Units
Completed projects
Dendritisches Wachstum von Dichalkogenid-Inseln, Mechanismen bei der Präparation von Dichalkogenid-Multischichten und bei der Interkalation, Phasenübergänge an Oberflächen und in dünnen Schichten
Press, Werner
FOR 353: Chalkogenid-Schichtstrukturen: Wachstum und Grenzflächenphänomene
Kipp, Lutz
Geometrisch-elektronische Eigenschaften von Metall-Chalkogenid-Schichtkristallstrukturen
Kipp, Lutz
In situ-Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung organischer Moleküle mit Dichalkogenid-Elektroden
Magnussen, Olaf
Rastertunnelmikroskopie von Metallchalkogeniden und organischen Molekülen
Berndt, Richard
Reaction chemistry in reactive microplasma jets
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Design and implementation of a technique for detecting Rolandic epilepsy from EEG time series by using algorithms from non-linear time series analysis
Galka, Andreas
In situ atomic-scale studies of the mechanisms and dynamics of bismuth and cobalt electrodeposition by Video-STM
Matsushima, Hisayoshi
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Selectivity Control under Dynamic CO2 Electroreduction Conditions
Magnussen, Olaf
Roldan Cuenya, Beatriz
The Influence of Strong Stellar Particle Events and Galactic Cosmic Rays on Exoplanetary Atmospheres (INCREASE)
Grenfell, John Lee
Herbst, Ph.D., Konstantin
Sinnhuber, Miriam
Completed projects
Benetzungsverhalten von Oberflächen: Flüssigkeiten in begrenzter Geometrie
Press, Werner
Bildung, Struktur und chemische/physikalische Eigenschaften nanostrukturierter, bimetallischer Elektrodenoberflächen
Behm, Rolf Jürgen
Dynamik angeregter elektronischer Zustände von Adsorbaten auf niederdimensionalen metallischen Trägern
Aeschlimann, Martin
Energetic particle transport in the atmosphere and environmental of the Earth, cosmic rays, solar energetic particles, heliospheric and atmospheric transport
Heber, Bernd
Energy and angular momentum exchange between electron and spin-system in ferromagnetic films
Aeschlimann, Martin
Bauer, Michael
Femtosecond dynamics and control of metal-organic hybrid plasmonic systems
Bauer, Michael
Influence of glass topology and medium range order on the deformation mechanisms in borosilicate glasses, a multiple length scale approach
Durst, Karsten
Fuhrmann, Sindy
de Ligny, Dominique
Messung elektronischer Lebensdauern an Adsorbaten auf Metalloberflächen mit Rastertunnelmikroskopie
Berndt, Richard
Mischungsverhalten von binären Flüssigkeiten: Kritisches Verhalten in dünnen Filmen
Press, Werner
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of supported clusters
Berndt, Richard
Spectroscopy and dynamics of electron excitations of supported metal clusters
Aeschlimann, Martin
SPP 1153: Clusters at Surfaces: Electron Structure and Magnetism
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Time-dependent transport of energetic particles in the atmosphere, magnetosphere and heliosphere, reconstruction of the long-term flux heliospheric environment, atmospheric ionisation, production of neutrons and cosmogenic isotopes
Fichtner, Horst
Heber, Bernd
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Microstructure and structual change of magnetoelectric and sensors
(Project Heads
Kienle, Lorenz
Murphy, Bridget
Multiscale analyses of structural, electronic, and chemical mechanisms in memristive devices
(Project Heads
Kienle, Lorenz
Rossnagel, Kai
Completed projects
Active Plasmonics with Switchable Dielectric Materials
(Project Head
Bauer, Michael
Directed molecular switching and transport on surfaces
(Project Heads
Herges, Rainer
Magnussen, Olaf
Electronic properties of arrays of magnetic atoms
(Project Heads
Berndt, Richard
Kröger, Jörg
Weismann, Alexander
Grenzflächenstruktur und -magnetismus auf atomarer Skala
(Project Heads
Berndt, Richard
Kröger, Jörg
Heterogen modifizierte Elektrodenoberflächen als Modellkatalysatoren - Struktur und Reaktivität
(Project Heads
Behm, Rolf Jürgen
Magnussen, Olaf
IN situ Streuuntersuchungen an 2-2 Grenzflächen und Nanokompositen
(Project Heads
Magnussen, Olaf
Murphy, Bridget
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Magnussen, Olaf
Tuczek, Felix
Kopplungsmechanismen an magnetoelektrischen Grenzflächen
(Project Heads
Bauer, Michael
Kipp, Lutz
Rossnagel, Kai
Mikrodisperse Teilchen im Plasma - Vorhaben A: Pulverteilchen als Miksosonden im Plasma - Vorhaben B: Modifizierung von Partikeln im Plasma
(Project Heads
Hippler, Rainer
Kersten, Holger
Modellierung und Diagnostik des Plasmas von magnetfeldgestützten Entladungen
(Project Head
Helbig, Volkmar
Nano Switch driven by Localized Near-fields
(Project Head
Bauer, Michael
Photoswitchable spin-crossover films on ferromagnetic substrates
(Project Heads
Rossnagel, Kai
Tuczek, Felix
Spectroscopic investigation of surfaces functionalised by switchable molecules
(Project Heads
Kipp, Lutz
Rossnagel, Kai
Stabilität und Dynamik von Raumentladungsschichten und Doppelschichten in thermionischen Entladungen
(Project Head
Piel, Alexander
STM/STS of Bistable Molecules
(Project Head
Berndt, Richard
Switching Adsorbate Layers Based on the Platform Concept
(Project Heads
Herges, Rainer
Magnussen, Olaf
Switching in molecular double layer membranes
(Project Head
Murphy, Bridget
Switching of Magnetic Single Molecules
(Project Head
Berndt, Richard
Ultrafast dynamics in strongly correlated systems
(Project Heads
Martins, Michael
Rossnagel, Kai
Wurth, Wilfried
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
11-eV laser system for high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy
Analysenanlage für Atmosphärendruckplasmen für Nanomaterialienherstellung
Combintion of Scanning Electron- and Darkfield-Microsocopes to study electron-light interactions
Cryogenic Scanning Electron Microscope for Quantum-Sensitive Measurements
Femtosekunden Verstärkersystem
Mehrstufig gepumptes Massenspektrometersystem
Momentum Microscope for time resolved Photoelectronpectroscopy
Photoelektronenspektrometer mit Kurzpuls-Lasersystem
Rastertunnelmikroskop mit hohem Magnetfeld
Röntgendiffraktometer mit Mikrofokus-Drehanode
scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
Scanning Probe Microscope
Supraleitender 4 Tesla Solenoid
System für zeitaufgelöste Zwei-Photonen Photoelektronenspektroskopie
Current projects
Probing the Oxide Interface Structure under Reaction Conditions by Operando Surface X-Ray Diffraction
(Project Head
Magnussen, Olaf
Completed projects
Control of permeation through nanocomposite materials
(Project Heads
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Böke, Marc
Winter, Jörg
Dynamics of magnetized plasmas
(Project Heads
Greiner, Franko
Piel, Alexander
Investigation of nucleation and growth of nanoparticles in plasmas
(Project Heads
Kersten, Holger
Strunskus, Thomas
Micro-particles as plasma probes
(Project Head
Kersten, Holger
Order phenomena in dusty plasmas
(Project Heads
Block, Dietmar
Melzer, André
Piel, Alexander
Plasma processes for the deposition of nanostructured composite materials
(Project Heads
Faupel, Franz
Kersten, Holger
Time resolved measurement of film growth in high power plasmas using variable ion energy distribution functions
(Project Heads
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
von Keudell, Achim
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
DAPHNE4NFDI - DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI
Barty, Anton
Murphy, Bridget