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Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Klinik für Augenheilkunde
Killianstraße 5
79106 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79106 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Reduction of the scleral adhesion of tenon fibroblasts
Lübke, Jan
Rühe, Jürgen
Retinal ganglion cell function as objective biomarker for subgroups of depressive disorders
Heinrich, Sven
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Targeting the JAK/STAT3 signaling pathway and its inflammatory component in retinal vasoproliferative disease
Bucher, Felicitas
The Role of Vitreal Hyalocytes in the Pathogenesis of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Boneva, Stefaniya
Three-dimensional characterization of changes in corneal biomechanics due to corneal crosslinking treatment
Lang, Stefan
Completed projects
Cortical mechanisms of multistable perception
Bach, Michael
Cytokines in the anterior chamber after penetrating keratoplasty
Reinhard, Thomas
Einfluss der Substratrigidität auf menschliche Trabekelmaschenwerkszellen
Schlunck, Günther
Fixationsdisparation: Subjektive und objektive Diagnose sowie Beziehung zu Asthenopie
Kommerell, Guntram
Improving patient-centered outcomes in Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy with reliable assessment of preoperative disease severity and corneal morphology
Wacker, Katrin
Intrinsic imaging of ocular neurovascular coupling in normals and in glaucoma patients
Bach, Michael
Laserablation von epiretinalen Membranen bei komplizierter Netzhautablösung
Janknecht, Peter
Multicenter-study of the European Assessment Group for Lysis in the Eye (EAGLE). Treatment of the central retinal artery occlusion: Thrombolysis versus conservative treatment
Schumacher, Martin
Multistabile Wahrnehmung - Kortikale Mechanismen und klinische Anwendung
Bach, Michael
Objective Assessment of Visual Functions
Bach, Michael
Reliability and variability of visual acuity assessments
Bach, Michael
Retinale Mechanismen der Kurzsichtigkeitsentwicklung
Bach, Michael
Retinale Mechanismen der Kurzsichtigkeitsentwicklung
Schaeffel, Frank
Strengthening the link between subjective and objective visual acuity
Heinrich, Sven
Hoffmann, Michael
Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens der funktionellen Kernspinresonanz bei visueller Stimulation
Hennig, Jürgen
Untersuchung gewebe-spezifischer Zellfunktionen cornealer Zelltypen durch Modifikation der extrazellulären Umgebung: Ein Beitrag zur prospektiven Entwicklung von bioaktiv-biomimetischen Biomatrizes in der Augenheilkunde
Eberwein, Philipp
Tomakidi, Pascal
Vergenzruhestellung der Augen und Sehbeschwerden: Abhängigkeit von der Tagesform
Bach, Michael
Vorteil des Binokularsehens bei gestörter Sehstrecke
Kommerell, Guntram
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Bedeutung von Dynamin-2 in der Signalgebung durch Integrine
Schlunck, Günther
Habituation vs. Wiederholungs-Priming: Untersuchung der Plastizität höherer visueller Areale mittels simultaner fMRT- und EEG-Messungen
Heinrich, Sven
The role of axonal retrograde transport in the pathogenesis of glaucoma
Noack, Christian
The role of Dystrophin 71 in Müller cells and vasoproliferative retinal disease
Bucher, Felicitas
Clinical Trials
Current projects
ACAID induction in humans for penetrating keratoplasty (ACAID)
Reinhard, Thomas
Low-dose AtropIne for Myopia control in children (AIM-study)
Lagrèze, Wolf A.
Completed projects
Functional antigen matching in corneal transplantation (FANCY)
Böhringer, Daniel
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Single cell sequencing to differentiate between protective and pathological T cell clonotypes and phenotypes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections
Jiang, Jana
Completed projects
Secret secretions: the story behind dysregulated extracellular matrixproteins in TCF4 expansion-mediated Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy
Kladny, Anne-Marie Shirley
Completed projects
Myeloid cells in the development of choroidal neovascularisation in the eye
(Project Heads
Hilgendorf, Ingo
Lange, Ph.D., Clemens A.K.
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