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Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Physiologisches Institut
Lehrstuhl für Physiologie II - Neurophysiologie
Röntgenring 9
97070 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97070 Würzburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Developmental significance of GABAergic depolarization for the functional maturation of the primary visual cortex
Holthoff, Knut
Hübner, Christian Andreas
Kiebel, Stefan
Kirmse, Knut
Molekulare Mechanismen der funktionellen Diversität von einwärtsgleichrichtenden und ATP-sensitiven Kanal/Rezeptor Komplexen
Karschin, Andreas
Research Grants
Current projects
Interaction of GABAA-receptor function and network activity in the developing hippocampus
Holthoff, Knut
Kirmse, Knut
Optogenetic approaches to study platelet production and function
Bender, Markus
Gao, Ph.D., Shiqiang
Role of tangential migration for cortical network maturation
Holthoff, Knut
Kirmse, Knut
Stumm, Ralf
The cell-specific role of cGMP in striatum and hippocampus
Gao, Ph.D., Shiqiang
Gee, Ph.D., Christine Elizabeth
Completed projects
Aktivierung von CFTR-Chloridkanälen durch Phosphatidylinositol-Phosphate (PIP)
Nagel, Georg
Analyzing PKA-dependent synaptic plasticity in the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse using novel optogenetic tools
Nagel, Georg
Charakterisierung und Anwendungen der Channelrhodopsine
Nagel, Georg
Charakterisierung von CFTR-Chloridkanälen durch schnelle Nukleotid-Konzentrations-Sprünge
Nagel, Georg
Struktur und Funktion von K+-Kanälen mit zwei Porendomänen
Karschin, Andreas
Research Units
Current projects
Developmental defects caused by transplacental transmission of autoantibodies against NMDA receptors and further neuronal antigens
Kaindl, Angela
Kirmse, Knut
Kreye, Jakob
FOR 3004: Synaptic pathology in autoimmune encephalitis – SYNABS
Geis, Christian
Completed projects
Analysis and engineering of natural photoreceptors to Light-manipulate cyclic nucleotides, Ca2+ and membrane voltage in animal cells
Nagel, Georg
Developmental and synaptic defects caused by transplacental transmission of NMDA receptor antibodies
Kaindl, Angela
Kirmse, Knut
Prüß, Harald
The function of the C-terminal half of Channelrhodopsins and of predicted novel rhodopsins from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Nagel, Georg
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Aktivitätsmodulation einwärtsgleichrichtender K+ Kanäle in zentralen Neuronen
(Project Head
Karschin, Andreas
Charakterisierung und Mutagenese der Channelrhodopsine
(Project Head
Nagel, Georg
Dysfunktion zentraler Neurotransmittersysteme in Kir3-defizienten Mausmutanten
(Project Head
Karschin, Andreas
Optophysiological analysis of the clock network of D. melanogaster: Manipulating neuronal excitability and cAMP levels of individual clock neurons
(Project Heads
Nagel, Georg
Rieger, Dirk
Simulation und Analyse Pathogen-induzierter molekularer Muster
(Project Heads
Becker, Dirk
Nagel, Georg
Struktur und Funktion von Kaliumkanälen mit zwei Porendomänen
(Project Head
Karschin, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Two-photon microscope with integrated photostimulation and electrophysiology modules
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Behavioral and pharmacological characterization of animal models for attentiondeficit/ hyperactivity disorder
Reif, Andreas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Characterization of LEM-domain Proteins in Drosophila melanogaster and their relevance regarding human laminopathic diseases
Wagner, Nicole
Completed projects
Functional plasticity of glutamate receptor channels on hippocampal mossy fiber terminals
(Project Heads
Heckmann, Manfred
Sirén, Anna-Leena K.
Interaction of GABAA-receptor function and network activity in the developing hippocampus
(Project Heads
Holthoff, Knut
Kirmse, Knut
Optogenetic approaches to study platelet production and function
(Project Heads
Bender, Markus
Gao, Ph.D., Shiqiang
Nagel, Georg
Optogenetic control of ionotropic receptor function by cyclic nucleotides
(Project Heads
Kittel, Robert J.
Nagel, Georg
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 632: Neuroscience: Neuroplasticity Research
Paulus, Walter
Additional Information
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