Universität des Saarlandes
Fakultät für Empirische Humanwissenschaften
und Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Fachrichtung Psychologie
Post Office Box 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken
This institution in GERiT
66041 Saarbrücken
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Feinsteuerung der Interaktion in face-to-face im Vergleich zu computervermittelt kommunizierenden Arbeitsgruppen
Wintermantel, Margret
Research Grants
Current projects
Dynamics of personal resources and demands in the processes of accumulation and chronification
Reis, Dorota
Endurance training as an adjunct to trauma-focused psychotherapy in traumatized refugees
Equit, Monika
Meyer, Tim
Michael, Tanja
Completed projects
Affektive Informationsverarbeitung und Erfolgsprädiktoren bei der Behandlung von Patienten mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörungen (PTBS)
Krause, Rainer
Cognitive behavioral therapy for Insomnia as an adjunct treatment option for posttraumatic stress disorder
Sopp, Marie Roxanne
Expanding the Stressor-Detachment Model: A multimethod ecological momentary intervention
Reis, Dorota
Reciprocal and dynamic relationships of teachers' personal resources, work engagement, and instructional quality: A resource-oriented approach
Hoppe, Annekatrin
Nitz, Sandra
Research Units
Completed projects
Koordination der Forschungsgruppe 255
Hellhammer, Dirk Helmut
Störungen raum-zeitlicher Integrationsleistungen in visuellen Suchaufgaben bei Patienten mit fronto-parietalen Läsionen
Bublak, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
VEVIAG: Verbales und Visuelles Arbeitsgedächtnis
(Project Heads
Engelkamp, Johannes
Mohr, Gilbert
Zimmer, Hubert
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1457: Adaptive Minds: Neural and Environmental Constraints on Learning and Memory
Mecklinger, Axel
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2988: Flexibility and Balance as Characteristics of Adaptive Self-Regulation
Friese, Malte