Universität Münster
Fachbereich 08 - Geschichte und Philosophie
Lehreinheit Geschichte
Historisches Seminar
Domplatz 20-22
48143 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48143 Münster
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5415: Local Xenocracy. Administration and Cultural Entanglement in Pre-Modernity.
Ludwig, Ulrike
The Mozarabs of Toledo between imperial monarchy, Roman church and indigenous Christian tradition (11th - 14th century)
Drews, Wolfram
Completed projects
Kulturelle Diversität und die Konstruktion von Gemeinwesen: Kontinuität, Diskontinuität, Transformation
Gründer, Horst
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Ferdinand I. als Kaiser. Politik und Herrscherauffassung des Nachfolgers Karls V.
Laubach, Ernst
Formen und Funktionen öffentlicher Kommunikation im Mittelalter
Althoff, Gerd
Heinrich IV (Vorträge und Forschungen)
Althoff, Gerd
Jews and Judaism according to Isidore of Seville
Drews, Wolfram
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Bilder von Krieg und Nation. Zur Konstituierung von nationaler Identität durch Kriegsdarstellungen in Preußen-Deutschland und Österreich (1859-1890)
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
Nationalsozialistische und faschistische Expansions-, Raumordnungs- und Bevölkerungspolitik im besetzten Slowenien und Norditalien: Planung und Realisierung (1939-1945)
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
Zwischen Radikalnationalismus und Menschheitspathos. Katholiken, Protestanten und die Bewertung der kolonisierten Völker im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1884-1913)
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
Research Grants
Current projects
Crimen pessimum, or: Naming ‘the foulest crime.’ A conceptual history of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church (1850-1922).
Marotta, Giulia
Decision-making between contingency and providence. Horizons of action and interpretation of the First Crusade
Keupp, Jan
Historical survey maps and the comparative study of the functionality and morphology of urban space. Standardisation - Digital processing - Research
Lampen, Angelika
Romani Migration between Germany and Britain (1880s-1914): Spaces of Informal Business, Media Spectacle, and Racial Policing
Brahm, Felix
Completed projects
Consumer revolution and changes in household consumption in probate inventories in Northwestern Germany (16.-19. c.)
Fertig, Christine
Die Hüllen des Selbst: Mittelalterliche Mode im Spannungsfeld von gesellschaftlicher Norm und subjektiver Verortung
Keupp, Jan
Die Macht der Rituale
Althoff, Gerd
Nationalsozialistische und faschistische Expansions-, Raumordnungs- und Bevölkerungspolitik im besetzten Slowenien und Norditalien: Planung und Realisierung (1939-1945)
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
Processes of construction of "the Ethnic" in Michoacan, Mexico, and Cajamarca, Peru. Translocational positionalities of indigenous migrants under colonial rule.
Albiez-Wieck, Sarah
Soziale Ideen und Idealismus. Rezeptionen französischer Soziallehren im Umfeld des deutschen Idealismus.
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
Symbolische Kommunikation und kulturelle Identität in den Gruppenbildungsprozessen der revolutionären Frühphase der Weimarer Republik 1918/20
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
The History of the German Association of Historians and the German Historians Conference since 1948
Blaschke, Olaf
The king's new tax. Practices of Prussian organization of governance exemplified by Westphalian "Akzisestädte" in the first half of the eighteenth century (c. 1700-1756)
Freitag, Werner
Widerstand gegen fremde Herrscher im hohen und späten Mittelalter. Zur ethnischen und nationalen Identitätsbildung in Konflikten des Mittelalters
Kamp, Hermann
Zwischen Radikalnationalismus und Menschheitspathos. Katholiken, Protestanten und die Bewertung der kolonisierten Völker im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1884-1913)
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
Scientific Networks
Current projects
An Other Intention. Social Functions of the Attribution of Intentionality in the European Middle Ages
Bubert, Marcel
Bridging the Black Freedom Struggle: German and U.S.-American Perspectives
Hirschfelder, Nicole
Completed projects
Neue alte Sachlichkeit: Realienkunde des Mittelalters in kulturhistorischer Perspektive
Schmitz-Esser, Romedio
Vormoderne monarchische Herrschaftsformen im transkulturellen Vergleich
Drews, Wolfram
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Neuere und Neueste Geschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nordamerikanischen Geschichte
Bungert, Heike
Research data and software
Completed projects
Themenportal Städtegeschichte
Freitag, Werner
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Decision-Making by Drawing Lots in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity
(Project Heads
Stollberg-Rilinger, Barbara
Wagner, Wolfgang Eric
Decisions without Alternatives? The Establishment of the Spanish Inquisition during the Reign of the Catholic Monarchs
(Project Head
Drews, Wolfram
Dilatory Action as a Technique of Rule in the High and Late Middle Ages
(Project Head
Keupp, Jan
Integrated Graduate School "Cultures of Decision-Making"
(Project Head
Keupp, Jan
Political Decision-Making on Security in British Parliamentarism, 16th to 19th centuries
(Project Heads
Ahmann, Rolf
Krischer, André Johannes
Power and Ritual in the Age of French Revolution
(Project Head
Thamer, Hans-Ulrich
Problematic Procedures: Criticism and Reflection of the Decision-Making Practices in the Medieval Inquisition of Heretics (ca. 1230-1330)
(Project Head
Steckel, Sita
Profane and Sacred: Churchyards as Sites and Spheres of Symbolic Communication in the Rural Society of Westphalia (1400-1900)
(Project Head
Freitag, Werner
Prussian Civil Servant Bureaucracy and Local Self-Government: Village Decision-Making in the Prussian Province of Westphalia in the 19th and early 20th centuries
(Project Head
Freitag, Werner
Rituals of Conflict and Peace in the Late Middle Ages
(Project Head
Althoff, Gerd
Symbolic Communication and Social Values in Panindian Movements
(Project Head
Bungert, Heike
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Neuere Geschichte
Bungert, Heike
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Beer in Pre-Prohibition USA: From a German Cultural Asset to an Americanized Mass Product? A 'Reinvention of Tradition and Consumption'
Weiß, Ph.D., Jana
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 582: Symbols in Medieval Society
Staubach, Nikolaus
GRK 1410: Negotiating Processes of the Civil Society from the 19th Century to the Present - Germany and the Netherlands Compared
Zimmer, Annette
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2060: Religion and Politics. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation
Pollack, Detlef
Seewald, Michael
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 212: Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures
Pollack, Detlef
Stollberg-Rilinger, Barbara