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Universität Münster
Institut für Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie
Corrensstraße 48
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Analysis of the selectivity and promiscuity of ligand binding for fragment-based design
Koch, Oliver
Development of fluorinated PET tracers for imaging of sig-2R/TMEM97 in brain tumors
Deuther-Conrad, Winnie
Wünsch, Bernhard
Development of Small-molecule Inhibitors of Blood Coagulation Factor XIIa as Novel Anticoagulants
Kalinin, Dmitrii
Exploration and Exploitation of Secondary Sites of Protein Kinase CK2
Jose, Joachim
Niefind, Karsten
Novel kappa-Opioid Receptor Agonists for the Treatment of Neuroinflammation
Loser, Karin
Wünsch, Bernhard
Completed projects
Development of a fluorinated PET tracer for imaging of sigma-2 receptors in the brain and in brain tumors
Brust, Peter
Wünsch, Bernhard
Development of fluorinated GluN2B-NMDA receptor ligands for positron emission tomography (PET)
Wünsch, Bernhard
Development of inhibitors of vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) as novel antiphlogistic agents
Lehr, Matthias
Development of Radiotracers for Imaging of Sigma1-Receptors in the Human Brain
Sabri, Osama
Steinbach, Jörg
Wünsch, Bernhard
Development of Radiotracers for Imaging of Sigma1 Receptors in the Human Brain
Steinbach, Jörg
Wünsch, Bernhard
Diadenosinpolyphosphate: Synthese eines Analogons und Untersuchung ihrer Wirkungsmechanismen bei der Auslösung einer diabetischen Stoffwechsellage
Verspohl, Eugen J.
Die Rolle der Protein-Phosphatase Typ 2C (PP2C) für die neuronale und endotheliale Apoptose
Krieglstein, Josef
Die Steuerung von Oszillationen und Insulinsekretion in B-Zellen des Pankreas durch KATP-Kanal unabhängige Mechanismen
Düfer, Martina
Dynamic pharmacophores for the discovery of specific modulators of G protein-coupled receptors.
Bermudez, Marcel
Entwicklung bicyclischer sigma-Rezeptor-Liganden mit cytotoxischer Aktivität für die Tumortherapie
Bednarski, Patrick
Wünsch, Bernhard
Entwicklung von Hemmstoffen von Phosphatidylinositol-spezifischen Phospholipasen C als biochemische Tools und potentielle neuartige Arzneistoffe
Lehr, Matthias
KORATIN kappa-Opioid-Receptor Agonists for the Treatment of Inflammatory and Itching Skin Diseases
Ständer, Sonja
Wünsch, Bernhard
Mechanisms of neuroprotection by TGF-ß1
Zhu, Ph.D., Yuan
New PET radioligands for imaging of cannabinoid CB2 receptors
Brust, Peter
Wünsch, Bernhard
Schutz pankreatischer beta-Zellen vor oxidativem Stress durch Modulation der KATP-Kanäle
Düfer, Martina
Structure and function of protein histidine phosphatase
Klumpp, Susanne
Krieglstein, Josef
Targeting metabolic reprogramming and plasticity in cancer stem cells to impact tumor progression and treatment resistance
Wünsch, Bernhard
Targeting the therapy resistance factors BAG3 und Bcl-xL in solid tumors
Brunschweiger, Andreas
Koch, Oliver
Kögel, Donat
The role of protein photophase type-2Cin neuronal apoptosis
Klumpp, Susanne
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Neural fingerprints as structure and activity-sensitive molecular representations
Koch, Oliver
Risse, Benjamin
Completed projects
GraBaDrug: Graph-Based Methods for Rational Drug Design
Koch, Oliver
Mutzel, Petra
Rolle der Protein-Phosphatasen Typ-1 und Typ-2C bei der photo-elektrischen Transduktion
Klumpp, Susanne
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Structure-based and data-oriented methods for the computational molecular design of bioactive compounds
Koch, Oliver
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
600 MHz NMR-Spektrometer
Fluoreszenzbasiertes Durchflusszytometer mit Sortierfunktion und Einzelzellablage
Konfokales Fluoreszenzmikroskop mit TIRF und FRAP Einheit
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) for imaging MMP activity in vivo
(Project Heads
Bremer, Christoph
Kopka, Klaus
Wagner, Stefan
Wünsch, Bernhard
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1143: Complex Functional Systems in Chemistry: Design, Development and Applications
Erker, Gerhard
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2515: Chemical Biology of Ion Channels (Chembion)
Wünsch, Bernhard
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia
Additional Information
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