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Universität Münster
Institut für Mineralogie
Corrensstraße 24
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Controls on the enrichment and transport of As and Sb in magmatic fluids: experimental studies and implications for hydrothermal Au-Ag-As-Sb deposits
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Electrical conductivity measurements on lower mantle phases to illuminate structures at the core-mantle boundary region
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Hydrothermal transport of Sn and W: in –situ constraints on fluid composition and metal complexes at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Natural and experimental constraints on the behaviour of Re in the Earth’s crust: Part B - hydrothermal transport of Re and Mo-Re fractionation
Jahn, Sandro
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Wilke, Max
Completed projects
Activity of aqueous fluids in the early solar system - characterization and formation timescales of the earliest water-bearing phases in chondritic samples
Bischoff, Addi
Vollmer, Christian
Dust from Supernovae in the Solar Nebula: An Integrated Nano- and Microanalytical Approach
Hoppe, Peter
Vollmer, Christian
Experimental studies on Mo mobility in high-pressure high-temperature fluids of complex compositions
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Schmidt, Christian
Wilke, Max
Hf-W chronology of early solar system processes
Scherer, Erik
High resolution electron microscopy (UltraSTEM) of the most primitive organic materials in chondrite parent bodies and comets - Formation and evolution of the organic inventory of early Earth.
Vollmer, Christian
Iron-60 as a heat source for melting and differentiation of Earth-forming planetesimals and planetary embryos
Hoppe, Peter
Vollmer, Christian
Kalibration des jüngeren Paläozoikum (Devon, Unterkarbon) auf der Grundlage von biostratigraphischen Untersuchungen und isotopischen Altersbestimmungen
Mezger, Klaus
Lu-Hf systematics of early solar system materials
Scherer, Erik
Nahordnung und Domänenstruktur in Mg-Cordierit und Ba-Feldspat
Putnis, Andrew
Phase Diagrams and Microstructure of Aluminous Clinopyroxenes
Putnis, Andrew
Phase Diagrams and Microstructure of Aluminous Clinopyroxenes
Winkler, Björn
The Distribution and Inventory of Stardust Grains in Primitive Solar System Materials: Implications from Isotopic, Elemental and Petrologic Studies of Meteorites and Cometary Dust
Leitner, Jan
Untersuchungen zur Mineralisation von CaCO3 in nach biologischem Vorbild künstlich funktionalisierten Hydrogelmatrices
Putnis, Andrew
Research Grants
Current projects
Amorphous Silicates and Organic Matter within Cometary Interplanetary Dust Particles – Clues to early Solar Nebula Processes
Vollmer, Christian
Assessing the importance of ultra-depleted domains in Earth’s mantle with Hf-Nd-Os isotope analyses of global abyssal peridotites
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
Carbon mobility in subduction zones: in-situ experimental constraints on organic and inorganic carbon transfer at oxidizing conditions
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Constraining the Evolution of Continental Cores
Klöcking, Marthe
Dynamics and thermal evolution of icy moons' interiors: experimental and numerical approaches
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Experimental constraints on melting of mélanges in subduction zones
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Mobility of volatile (H2O & CO2)-bearing melts in the upper mantle: from carbonatite magmatism to the dynamics of kimberlitic eruptions
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
The density of H2O-NaCl-CO2/SiO2 fluids in the crust and upper mantle
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Thermal Evolution and Magmatic History of Venus
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Plesa, Ana-Catalina
Completed projects
Ablagerungsalter klastischer Metasedimente der kykladischen Blauschiefer-Einheit, Griechenland
Bröcker, Michael
Allgemeine metrische Invarianten: Ein innovativer Ansatz zur Indizierung von Röntgenpulverdiagrammen
Kroll, Herbert
Analytical transmission electron microscopy of microstructures resulting from mineral growth processes
Putnis, Andrew
Aufklärung der Brennbedingungen keramischer Artefakte mit Hilfe der Elektronenmikroskopie, insbesondere der Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM)
Schmitt-Riegraf, Cornelia
Bestimmung des Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffgehaltes von Carbo-Nitriden in einer Nickel-Basis Superlegierung
Rösner, Harald
Calcium isotope fractionation between silicate minerals and melts
Gussone, Nikolaus
Calorimetric determination of the mixing enthalpy in the system K-Feldspar-Na-Feldspar-Ca-Feldspar: a study basis for an improvement of the two-feldspar-thermometer
Cemic, Ladislav
Ce isotope measurements reveal the role of recycled sediments and the origin of the temporal variability of the Hawaiian plume source
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
CO2 sequestration in peridotites - experimental carbonation of olivine and pyroxene
Putnis, Andrew
Combined chemical and high-precision isotope analysis of silicate melt inclusions – Advancing the understanding of Earth’s heterogeneous mantle
Genske, Felix
Constraints on the Earth’s inner core composition from high-pressure studies on Fe-Si-C alloys and compounds
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Das Alter der Hochdruckmetamorphose im Kykladen-Kristallin: Eklogit- bis blauschieferfazielle P-T-Bedingungen von der Kreide bis ins Eozän?
Bröcker, Michael
Das Metamorphose-Alter der Makrotantalon-Einheit und die Altersstellung der Meta-Ophiolithe der Insel Andros (Kykladen, Griechenland)
Bröcker, Michael
Das Orlica-Snieznik-Kristallin: geologische Signifikanz von frühen Metamorphose-Ereignissen (prä-340 Ma) und das Protolith-Alter der Hochdruck Granulite
Bröcker, Michael
Dating the prograde metamorphism of high-pressure oceanic rocks with combined lawsonite and garnet 176Lu-176Hf geochronology: A feasibility study (Halilbagi Unit, Central Anatolia)
Pourteau, Amaury
Der Einfluss der Koordination von Spurenelementen in Silikatschmelzen auf Elementverteilungsprozesse in magmatischen Systemen
Wilke, Max
Determination of thermodynamic data of geological relevant Mg-Al-phosphates from phase equilibria and heat capacity measurements.
Schmid-Beurmann, Peter
Die kykladische Blauschiefer-Einheit: Altersstellung der magmatischen Edukte und die geologische Signifikanz von Rb-Sr-Datierungen
Bröcker, Michael
Druck-Temperatur-Zeit-Pfade subduktionszonenbezogener Hochdruckmetamorphite des Rio San Juan-Komplexes, Dominikanische Republik
Schertl, Hans-Peter
Electronic and magnetic properties of novel iron oxides at high pressure and wide temperature conditions
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Entmischungstextur von Orthopyroxenen - Schlüsselfaktor für die Mg, Fe2+-Platzverteilung?
Kroll, Herbert
Establishment of the core facility Münster Isotope Research Center (MIRC)
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
Experimental constraints on majorite stability in the Earth's interior
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Experimentelle Studien zur Spurenelementverteilung zwischen akzessorischen Mineralen und Schmelzen
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Fernordnung, Nahordnung und Kinetik der Kationenverteilung in (Fe,Mg)-Olivin
Kroll, Herbert
Gas-solid reactions in hot, reduced planetary environments
Renggli, Ph.D., Christian
Geochronologische Untersuchungen im Orlica-Snieznik-Kristallin (Sudeten, Polen):Das Alter der Ausgangsgesteine und der zeitliche Ablauf der Metamorphose
Bröcker, Michael
Geochronology of HP/LT rocks and amphibolites from the Hajiabad-Esfandagheh area, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran
Bröcker, Michael
Geochronology of subduction-related metamorphic rocks from the Central Indonesian Accretionary Collision Complex
Bröcker, Michael
Halogen concentrations and stable Cl isotopes in apatite as a fluid probe: mapping regional-scale fluid pulses by Cl-isotopes
Putnis, Andrew
Halogens in the Earth's mantle: Concentrations in nominally halogen-free mantle minerals and element partitioning during partial melting
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
High resolution transmission electron microscopy and analytical study of ilmenite weathering and oxidation
Putnis, Andrew
High temperature hydrothermal activity in the deep oceanic crust: Experiments and investigations on natural rocks in the Oman ophiolite
Koepke, Jürgen
Hydrothermal alteration of pyrochlore and associated minerals of an alkali pegmatite from Zomba-Malosa (Malawi): A record f pyrochlore-fluid re-equilibration
Geisler-Wierwille, Thorsten
Investigation of inclusions in 3.0-4.4 Gyr old zircon from the Mt. Narryer terrane, Western Australia
Putnis, Andrew
Isotopen- und Spurenelementuntersuchungen an Basalten von Mittelozeanischen Rücken, der Cook-Austral Inselkette, sowie von Tristan da Cunha und Gough
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
Jadeitite in Mélange-Vorkommen des Kykladen-Kristallins: Petrognese und geologische Signifikanz eines ungewöhnlichen Gesteinstyps
Bröcker, Michael
Kalibration des jüngeren Paläozoikum (Devon, Unterkarbon) auf der Grundlage von biostratigraphischen Untersuchungen und isotopischen Altersbestimmungen
Baumann, Albrecht
Kalorimetrische Bestimmung der Mischungswärme im System K-Feldspat - Na-Feldspat - Ca-Feldspat als Grundlage zur Verbesserung des Zwei-Feldspat-Thermometers
Kroll, Herbert
Lithologischer Aufbau und tektono-metamorphe Entwicklung des Kerala Khondalite Belt in Südindien
Braun, Ingo
Lithologischer Aufbau und tektono-metamorphe Entwicklung des Kerala Khondalite Belt in Südindien
Bröcker, Michael
Magnetische und thermodynamische Eigenschaften mehrkomponentiger Spinellmischkristalle und die Entwicklung der Mikrostruktur als Funktion der Temperatur
Putnis, Andrew
Mechanismen der hydrothermalen Alteration von Zirkonolith und Mineralen der Pyrochlorgruppe und ihre Abhängigkeit vom Grad des radioaktiven Strahlenschadens
Geisler-Wierwille, Thorsten
New constraints on the bulk composition and compositional evolution of the Earth from La-Ce isotope measurements
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
Niedrigtemperaturkalorimetrie an ausgewählten Spinellen und Granaten
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Origin and nature of peridotites from the East-Azores Fracture Zone
Genske, Felix
Petrologie, Geochemie und Geochronologie der Eklogit-Orthogneis-Assoziation von Garborg, Norwegen
Bröcker, Michael
Phasenpetrologische Untersuchungen im System Lazulith (MgAl2[OH/PO4]2) - Skorzalith (FeAl2[OH/PO4]2)
Cemic, Ladislav
Phase Transformations, Microstructures, and their Seismic Signals from the Earth's mantle
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Speziale, Sergio
Thomas, Christine
Protolith- und Metamorphosealter von Mélange-Blöcken der Sistan Suture Zone, Iran
Bröcker, Michael
Rasterkraftmikroskopie von Auflösungs- und Kristallwachstumsprozessen von komplexen Uranyloxidmineralen
Putnis, Andrew
Rb-Sr-Untersuchungen im Kykladen-Kristallin: Entschlüsselung von Mischaltern in Metamorphiten und das Protolith-Alter von Marmoren
Bröcker, Michael
Reaktivität von Mineraloberflächen: Die Wechselwirkung organischer Moleküle mit Mineraloberflächen
Putnis, Andrew
Rift systems at continental margins: A case study of facies evolution and provenance of the sedimentary-volcanic facies evolution of the Permotriassic Mitu Group (Central Andes, Peru)
Bahlburg, Hans Heinrich
Spurenelementverteilung zwischen Eisentitanoxiden und Silikatschmelzen
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Surface energy and strain effects on calcite dissolution
Putnis, Andrew
The mechanism of the alteration of metamict zircon in aqueous solutions: 2H and 18O tracer experiments
Putnis, Andrew
Thermodynamics of mixing and ordering in solid solutions with coupled substitutions: A computer simulation approach
Putnis, Andrew
Thermodynamics of mixing and ordering in solid solutions with coupled substitutions: A computer simulation approach
Winkler, Björn
The Sistan Suture Zone, eastern Iran: the exhumation history of oceanic HP/LT rocks and the geological significance of presumed granulite-facies mélange rocks.
Bröcker, Michael
Lisker, Frank
The timing of high-pressure metamorphism on Andros Island, Greece: evidence for both Cretaceous and Eocene blueschist-facies events?
Bröcker, Michael
Timing and rates of fluid release during the dehydration of subconducting oceanic crust: reactive fluid flow und high-pressure conditions
Bröcker, Michael
Unravelling metamorphic ages of suture zone rocks from the Makran and Sabzevar areas (Iran): new constraints for the temporal evolution of the Arabia-Eurasian collision zone
Bröcker, Michael
Variable oceanic lithosphere-forming processes in the vicinity of the Doldrums mega-transform zone, Mid Atlantic Ridge
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Die Wechselwirkung von organischen Molekülen mit Mineraloberflächen und deren Auswirkung auf Kristallwachstum und Mineralauflösung
(Project Head
Putnis, Andrew
Structure, dynamics and phase transitions in crystalline solid electrolytes
(Project Heads
Kroll, Herbert
Putnis, Andrew
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Calcium isotope fractionation during transport and recrystallisation processes in marine deep sea sediments
Strauß, Harald
Controls on stable isotope fractionation of alkaline earth metals in cultured corals
Teichert, Barbara
Dinoflagelates - recorder of Palaeogene oceanic Ca budget and climate variabilities (Dinolores)
Gussone, Nikolaus
Teichert, Barbara
Entwicklung der Mineralchemie und Einschlussparagenesenen von Zirkonen aus I- bis S-Typ Granitoiden des Wilson Terranes von Nord Viktoria Land (Antarktika): Zirkon als Monitor einer dynamischen Entstehung kontinentaler Kruste
John, Timm
Läufer, Andreas
Fluctuations of the oceanic Ca isotopic budget and environmental changes during highly dynamic transitions of the Cenozoic.
Gussone, Nikolaus
Fractionation processes of Ca isotopes during synsedimentary and early diagenetic reactions in marine sediments
Gussone, Nikolaus
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochauflösendes Massenspektrometer mit induktiv-gekoppeltem Plasma (HR-ICP-MS)
MC-ICP Massenspektrometer
Pump-probe optical setup for thermal conductivity measurements in planetary materials
Completed projects
182W heterogeneities in Earth's mantle – early differentiation, late accretion, and core-mantle interaction
(Project Heads
Hansen, Ulrich
Kleine, Thorsten
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
Chronology of lunar crust formation and its relation to the age of the Moon
(Project Heads
Breuer, Doris
Kleine, Thorsten
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Chronometric investigations of ancient lunar impact rocks
(Project Heads
Becker, Harry
Scherer, Erik
Experimental and isotopic investigations of volatile element loss during magma degassing
(Project Heads
Burkhardt, Christoph
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Experimental constraints on volatile element partitioning during core formation on the terrestrial planets
(Project Head
Rohrbach, Arno
Stable isotope fractionation of S, Te, and Pd and the roles of core formation and late accretion on siderophile volatile elements in the Earth
(Project Heads
Becker, Harry
Fischer-Gödde, Mario
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
The atmo- and hydrophile element (H and halogens) inventory of the Earth and Moon
(Project Heads
John, Timm
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2440: Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions - High-Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics
Redmer, Ronald
Completed projects
Experimental study of planetary ices at high pressure-high temperature using dynamically-driven diamond-anvil cells
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
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