Universität Münster
Fachbereich 11 - Physik
Institut für Materialphysik
Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Atomic transport and structural modifications during shear banding of a bulk metallic glass
Divinski, Sergiy
Wilde, Gerhard
Correlating the atomisitic nature of grain boundary phase transformations to their macroscopic kinetic properties
Divinski, Sergiy
Liebscher, Christian
Wilde, Gerhard
Diffusion in BCC multi-principal element alloys from experiment and ab initio: Impact of thermal vibrations and chemical complexity
Divinski, Sergiy
Zhang, Xi
Electrochemical driven self-holding optical actuator: from materials to device concepts
Bracht, Hartmut
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Metallic glasses and strain localization
Horbach, Jürgen
Wilde, Gerhard
Temperaturabhängige Dynamic auf der Nanoskala und kritische Temperaturen von Gläsern mit unterschiedlicher Chemie durch Elektronen-Zeitkorrelations Mikroskopie
Wilde, Gerhard
Completed projects
Anwendungen des Rasterkraft-Mikroskops in der Materialphysik
Nembach, Eckhard
Atomarer Transport und Defekte in Silizium-Germanium
Bracht, Hartmut
Atomic mobility in nanoglasses
Hahn, Horst
Wilde, Gerhard
Atomic transport in three-dimensional nanostructures of silicon and germanium
Bracht, Hartmut
Peiner, Erwin
Bestimmung des Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffgehaltes von Carbo-Nitriden in einer Nickel-Basis Superlegierung
Rösner, Harald
Computersimulationen des metallografischen Ätzprozesses
Reichelt, Rudolf
Constraints on the Earth’s inner core composition from high-pressure studies on Fe-Si-C alloys and compounds
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Coupling of irreversible plastic rearrangements and heterogeneity of the local structure during deformation of metallic glasses
Varnik, Fathollah
Wilde, Gerhard
Die Leerstelle in Silizium - Bildungsethalpie und ihr Beitrag zur Selbstdiffusion
Bracht, Hartmut
Schmidt, Harald
Diffusion and solubility of metal impurities in germanium
Stolwijk, Nicolaas A.
Diffusion-diffusive phase transformations in alkali feldspar
Divinski, Sergiy
Diffusion in High Entropy Alloys
Divinski, Sergiy
Steinbach, Ingo
Diffusion in high entropy alloys: Development and application of an experiment-ab initio approach
Divinski, Sergiy
Grabowski, Blazej
Diffusion phenomena in nano-crystalline Cu produced by severe plastic deformation
Schmitz, Guido
Diffusion phenomena in shape memory NiTi alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation
Wilde, Gerhard
Diffusion-plasticity coupling during selective oxidation of metal alloys
Divinski, Sergiy
Einfluss der umgebenden Matrix bei größenabhängigen Schmelz- und Erstarrungsvorgängen von Pb-Nanopartikeln im System Al(Ga)-Pb
Wilde, Gerhard
Experimental measurements of the correlation factor for solute diffusion
Divinski, Sergiy
Germaniumnanokristalle in Siliziumdioxidschichten: strukturelle und physikalische Eigenschaften
Bracht, Hartmut
Grain Boundary Diffusion und Grain Boundary Segregation in Cu and Cu-Based Alloys
Schmitz, Guido
High-temperature decrease of the critical resolved shear stress of superalloys
Nembach, Eckhard
Impurity and self-diffusion related to the copper sublattice in CIGSe thin-film solar cells
Stolwijk, Nicolaas A.
Investigation of atomic displacement in isotopically enriched semiconductor multilayer structures induced by ion implantation and solid phase epitaxial recrystallization processes
Bracht, Hartmut
Posselt, Matthias
Investigations of the effects of precipitate-free zones along grain boundaries in precipitation hardened structural materials on dislocation processes in these zones.
Nembach, Eckhard
Isotopically enriched silicon heterostructures and its thermoelectric properties
Bastian, Georg
Bracht, Hartmut
Kinetik der fest/flüssig Lötreaktion
Schmitz, Guido
Light-harvesting nanostructured devices
Wilde, Gerhard
Magnetism in iron alloys: thermodynamics, kinetics and defects
Divinski, Sergiy
Drautz, Ralf
Hickel, Tilmann
Mechanische und kinetische Eigenschaften metallischer Gläser mit nanoskaligen Sekundärphasen
Albe, Karsten
Wilde, Gerhard
Neuartige Elektrolytsysteme für Grätzel-Solarzellen: Mechanismen des Iod- und Ladungstransports
Stolwijk, Nicolaas A.
Non-Equilibrium Grain Boundaries in Severely Deformed Nickel: Existence, Structure and Diffusion Properties
Wilde, Gerhard
Nucleation kinetics of the liquid-liquid phase separation under extreme external conditions
Wilde, Gerhard
Radiotracer diffusion and conductivity of sodium and potassium in alkali feldspar
Wilde, Gerhard
Radiotracer investigation of silver grain boundary diffusion and segregation in copper bicrystals at low temperatures: the direct determination of grain boundary diffusion coefficients
Divinski, Sergiy
Reaktive Benetzung und Miniaturisierung von Lötverbindungen
Schmitz, Guido
Selbst- und Fremddiffusion in Siliziumkarbid zur Charakterisierung der atomaren Eigenpunktdefekte in Siliziumkarbid
Bracht, Hartmut
Struktur und kinetische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen im System Al-Ga
Gottstein, Günter
Struktur und kinetische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen im System Al-Ga
Gust, Wolfgang
Struktur und kinetische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen im System Al-Ga
Herzig, Christian
Struktur und kinetische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen im System Al-Ga
Sigle, Wilfried
Thermodynamic description and determination of nucleation rate and their application on the modeling of the glass formation of Pd-based alloys
Wilde, Gerhard
The topological order and its correlation to self-atom transport in amorphous materials: silicon and germanium as model systems
Bracht, Hartmut
Posselt, Matthias
Thin film batteries based on electrical-induced interface reactions
Berkemeier, Frank
Topological Frustration and Glass-Forming Ability of Sulfur-containing Metallic Glass-Formers
Busch, Ralf
Meyer, Andreas
Wilde, Gerhard
Tracerdiffusion von Nickel und Eisen im Volumen und in Korngrenzen der intermetallischen B2-Phase (Ni,Fe)Al
Herzig, Christian
Transmissions-Elektronen-Mikroskopie an gamma`-Materialien
Nembach, Eckhard
Untersuchung der atomaren Diffusion und der Bildung diffusionsinduzierter Defekte in Galliumnitrid, Galliumphosphid und Galliumantimonid
Stolwijk, Nicolaas A.
Untersuchung des Ionentransportes in nanostrukturierten Materialien und dünnen Filmen mittels zeitabhängiger elektrostatischer Rasterkraftspektroskopie
Schirmeisen, André
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Nucleation kinetics and phase selection in the presence of concentration gradients
Wilde, Gerhard
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Thermomechanical properties and microstructure of fcc and bcc high-entropy alloys
Albe, Karsten
Durst, Karsten
Wilde, Gerhard
Completed projects
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the thermoelectric properties of isotropically modulated silicon multilayers
Bastian, Georg
Bracht, Hartmut
Heiliger, Christian
Plech, Anton
Wolf, Dietrich
Kinetic and structural properties of shear bands in bulk metallic glasses
Wilde, Gerhard
Kinetics of heterogenous nucleation and growth
Wilde, Gerhard
Mechano-chemical coupling during precipitate formation in Al-based alloys
Divinski, Sergiy
Hickel, Tilmann
Melting and solidification of fine-scaled alloy particles
Wilde, Gerhard
Microscopic mechanisms of shear band formation in bulk metallic glasses
Horbach, Jürgen
Wilde, Gerhard
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Characterization of atomic defects: The challenge for the development of novel functional materials
Bracht, Hartmut
WBP Position
Current projects
Fundamentals of hydrogen impact on diffusion of Cr and Fe in pure iron, ferrite steels and Fe-Cr alloy
Lukianova, Olga
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adaptive Nanosystems: Principles and applications
(Project Heads
Rentmeister, Andrea
Salinga, Martin
Wegner, Seraphine
Mixed-mode in-memory computing using adaptive phase-change materials
(Project Heads
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Salinga, Martin
Completed projects
Dynamik von Netzwerkbildnern und -wandlern in Sol-Gel Gläsern: Leitfähigkeitsmessungen und Tracerdiffusionsuntersuchungen
(Project Head
Bracht, Hartmut
Effects of nanoscale confinement on the properties of phase change materials
(Project Head
Salinga, Martin
Fast transient electrical analysis of resistive switching phenomena
(Project Heads
Böttger, Ulrich
Menzel, Stephan
Salinga, Martin
Mechanismen des Ionentransports in amorphen Polymerelektrolyten mit dispergierten Nano-Partikeln oder gemischten Kationen/Anionen
(Project Head
Stolwijk, Nicolaas A.
Untersuchung des Ionentransportes in nanostrukturierten Materialien und dünnen Filmen mittels zeitabhängiger elektrostatischer Rasterkraftspektroskopie
(Project Heads
Bracht, Hartmut
Roling, Bernhard
Schirmeisen, André
Research Units
Completed projects
Gefüge, Defektstruktur und Diffusion
Weißmüller, Jörg
Wilde, Gerhard
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Analytisches Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit Feldemissionskathode
Cs-korrigiertes Hochauflösungs-Transmissionselektronenmikroskop
Fabrication cluster with molecular beam epitaxy, glovebox sytem and scanning probe lithography
Microscope for quantitative 3-D characterization of nano- and microstructured surfaces
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS)
UHV cluster tool for deposition of phase change materials, dielectrics, and metals
X-ray diffractometer with texture goniometer
Completed projects
Tubular molecular surface nanostructures
(Project Head
Wilde, Gerhard