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Universität Münster
Fachbereich 11 - Physik
Institut für Geophysik
Corrensstraße 24
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Constraining the Evolution of Continental Cores
Klöcking, Marthe
Deep Earth Rotational Seismology
Thomas, Christine
Geodynamic modelling of intra-plate deformation guided by 3D electromagnetic imaging of the lithosphere below Mongolia
Becken, Michael
Investigation of the influence of mantle structures on Earth's core observations
Thomas, Christine
Lower Mantle Seismic structures investigated with unusual seismic phases
Thomas, Christine
Onset of Plate Tectonics and Thermochemical Evolution of the Early Earth
Hansen, Ulrich
Physical properties of deep subducted lithosphere
Thomas, Christine
Completed projects
Array study of the Reunion hotspot region from the mantle transition zone to the core-mantle boundary
Thomas, Christine
Crust-mantle interactions beneath the Hangai Mountains in western Mongolia: Insights from 3D magnetotelluric studies and 4D thermo-mechanical modelling
Becken, Michael
Deep seismic structures beneath India and South Atlantic
Thomas, Christine
Dynamik eines terrestrischen Magmaozeans
Hansen, Ulrich
Eigenschaften und Skalierungsgesetze von Strong-Field Dynamos
Hansen, Ulrich
Einfluss von elektromagnetischer und thermischer Kern-Mantel Kopplung auf den Geodynamo
Hansen, Ulrich
Heterogeneities, Anisotropy and Attenuation in the Deep Earth through Seismic waveform studies (HAADES)
Durand, Stephanie
High-resolution investigation of upper mantle discontinuities
Thomas, Christine
HYPO-TZ - Generation and assessment of hypothetical seismic mantle transition zone structures
Schuberth, Bernhard
Thomas, Christine
Investigation of Island uplift of the Azores Island region
Thomas, Christine
Investigation of the anisotropy of the mantle transition zone using PP and SS precursors
Thomas, Christine
Investigation of the magnetic and dielectric properties and their anisotropy of salt rocks
Schmidt, Volkmar
Kinetic equations for turbulent fields
Hansen, Ulrich
Layering processes in the evolution of planetary mantle
Hansen, Ulrich
Magnetotellurik auf dem nordpolaren Meereis über dem Gakkel Rücken
Jödicke, Hartmut
Numerische Simulation des Geodynamos
Hansen, Ulrich
Numerische Simulationen des Geodynamos mit thermo-chemischem Antrieb
Hansen, Ulrich
Numerische Studie zur Strömungsdynamik des äußeren Erdkerns
Hansen, Ulrich
Oberflächensignale der Mantelkonvektion
Hansen, Ulrich
Phase Transformations, Microstructures, and their Seismic Signals from the Earth's mantle
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Speziale, Sergio
Thomas, Christine
Plate motion and mantle plumes in thermal and themochemical convection
Hansen, Ulrich
RHUM-RUM (Réunion Hotspot and Upper Mantle & Réunions Unterer Mantel): Seismological imaging of a mantle plume under La Réunion, western Indian Ocean
Igel, Heiner
Rümpker, Georg
Schlindwein, Vera
Sigloch, Karin
Thomas, Christine
Selbstkonsistente Modelle von Plattentektonik und Mantelkonvektion
Hansen, Ulrich
Synergy of passive seismic methods for geothermal applications (SynPaTh)
Löer, Katrin
Thermische und chemische Entwicklung eines terrestrischen Magmaozeans
Hansen, Ulrich
Untersuchungen zur Mantelkonvektion in sphärischer Geometrie unter Einbeziehung stark temperaturabhängiger Viskosität
Hansen, Ulrich
Utilizing impressed cathodic corrosion protection currents to determine the electrical conductivity in the upper few kilometers of the earth
Becken, Michael
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Double diffusive convection in stable layers within Earth’s core
Stellmach, Stephan
Global characteristics of geomagnetic field reversals from data and numerical simulations
Korte, Monika
The new core paradox, the stable layer, and double diffusive convection in Earth’s core
Wicht, Johannes
Zhu, Ph.D., Xiaojue
Understanding the influence of deep seismic mantle structures at the core-mantle boundary on intense magnetic flux regions
Ritter, Joachim
Thomas, Christine
Completed projects
Effects of Density Stratification on Convective Turbulence and Dynamo Action
Stellmach, Stephan
Geodynamic models of the relation of subduction under South America and plumes and Large Igneous Provinces in the South Atlantic, with constraints by seismology
Steinberger, Bernhard
Influence of Earth's rotation on the differentiation of a terrestrial magma ocean
Hansen, Ulrich
Magnetotelluric soundings through the centre of the North German Basin
Jödicke, Hartmut
Numerical simulation of dynamos on massively parallel computers in cartesian domains
Hansen, Ulrich
Numerische Simulation des Geodynamos
Hansen, Ulrich
Precession-driven dynamos in ellipsoidal planets
Hansen, Ulrich
Seismic heterogeneities beneath the Atlantic and Africa - thermal or chemical?
Thomas, Christine
Surface tectonics and internal dynamics of Mars
Hansen, Ulrich
Towards realistic models for the interior dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn
Wicht, Johannes
UNIBRA / DSEBRA -- the German seismological contri-bution to AlpArray
Friederich, Wolfgang
Korn, Michael
Meier, Thomas
Rümpker, Georg
Thomas, Christine
Tilmann, Frederik
Wassermann, Joachim
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchung von Heterogenitäten und seismischer Anisotropie des unteren Erdmantels mit Arraydaten
Thomas, Christine
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Deep electromagnetic exploration
Becken, Michael
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Deep electromagnetic exploration
Becken, Michael
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Controlled source EM array
Seismisches 20-Komponenten Array
Completed projects
182W heterogeneities in Earth's mantle – early differentiation, late accretion, and core-mantle interaction
(Project Heads
Hansen, Ulrich
Kleine, Thorsten
Stracke, Ph.D., Andreas
From the Moon-forming impact to the era of late bombardment: the thermochemical evolution of the early Earth-Moon system
(Project Heads
Breuer, Doris
Hansen, Ulrich
Wünnemann, Kai
Modelling giant impacts and the subsequent thermochemical evolution of liquid metal in a convecting magma ocean
(Project Heads
Hansen, Ulrich
Wünnemann, Kai
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Dynamics of fluid flow in Westbohemia/ Vogtland: Imaging and Detection (Bohemian FluID)
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 247: Nonlinear Continuous Systems and their Investigation with Numerical, Qualitative and Experimental Methods
Purwins, Hans-Georg
Additional Information
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